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Node JSON-RPC Server

A node application that consumes JSON-RPC from a RabbitMQ queue and returns JSON-RPC.


  • RabbitMQ
  • Couchbase

Development Dependencies

  • Gulp
  • npm install -g gulp


  1. git clone
  2. cd data-rpc
  3. npm install
  4. gulp compile && mkdir -vp dist/log dist/pids
  5. npm run start
  6. node ./dist/util/publisher.js

Development Tasks

Issue the gulp command to list all available tasks.

Clean and compile:

gulp compile && mkdir -vp dist/log dist/pids

Watch *.ts files, lint them and compile to the dist/ folder then test using the Node.js Couchbase SDK provided Mock.

gulp watch-compile

Run all unit tests (the compiled *_spec.js files in the dist/ folder) using the Node.js Couchbase SDK provided Mock.

gulp test

Run all unit tests with a live instance of Couchbase Server v4

gulp test --no-couchbase-mock

Watch for compiled *.js file changes and run tests

gulp watch-test


Run application with RabbitMQ


node dist/app.js

With PM2 Process Manager

npm run start
npm run stop
npm run list

Test application

Start the RPC app manually or with PM2 then issue the command:

node dist/util/publisher.js

Couchbase Docker Setup

sudo docker run -d --name couchbase -p 8091:8091 -p 8093:8093 -p 11210:11210 -p 11212:11212 couchbase:community-4.0.0

Typescript Definitions

Search examples

./node_modules/.bin/tsd query nconf

Install examples

./node_modules/tsd/build/cli.js query node --save --action install


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