Simple horizontal progress button js/css library ###Usage
Include pb.js and pb.css in your HTML document
You create a progress button by creating a new "Pb" Object.
new Pb(buttonElement, percentage[, clicktrigger])
buttonElement is the DOM element that's going to be your button (preferably )
percentage is the default width of the progress bar in relation to the button width (values 0-1)
clicktrigger optional, if set there will be a default onclick event listener to the button.e.g.
button = new Pb(document.getElementById('button1'), 0.5, true)
If you haven't set clicktrigger, you'll have to trigger (=show the progress bar) the progress button manually. You do that by running the trigger() method on the button object.
You can pass a different percentage value for the button for just one activation to trigger().
Use the stop() method to stop/remove the progress bar.
For a quick demo view demo.html