This repo is used to store my personal dotfiles. Enjoy!
By cloning these dotfiles and setting up the submodules, you are also installing:
sudo dnf install @development-tools nextcloud-client \
alacritty neovim zsh fzf bat exa fd-find ripgrep stow zoxide
cargo install cargo-binstall cargo-update cargo-quickinstall
cargo binstall bacon topgrade mise zellij starship
I've recently migrated to stow, check out the new commands. Run the following commands to bare clone this repo, checkout this files, and install the submodules.
git clone $HOME/.dotfiles
cd $HOME/.dotfiles
git submodule update --init --checkout
stow .
If you see any errors from the stow command, you will need to delete the conflicting files.
You will need to set up your secrets using secret-tool
This is currently only needed for WakaTime.
Run the command below.
You will then be prompted for a "password."
The "password" you input should be your API key.
secret-tool store --label="WakaTime API Key" wakatime api_key
When installing python, it often spouts warnings/errors.This command fixed these errors:
sudo dnf install libffi-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel bzip2-devel tk-devel