This repository, as its name suggests, is for practice. RiverCat enjoys exploring different things and technologies through hands-on experience. She has created many practice projects, but they were lost due to annual computer reformatting. Now, she is determined to preserve these projects as a record, whether for job applications, teaching, or simply reminiscing about past experiences.
(Sort by creation date from newest to oldest.)
Creation Time: 2024/06/06
Description: This practice is using flutter to build a web page.
Creation Time: 2024/06/01
Description: Practice Spring Boot and learn JUnit5 using kotlin.
Creation Time: 2024/05/27
Description: Following the video and I think it is advance of shop_app.
Creation Time: 2024/05/24
Description: Trying to build an shop app following the video and little modify by myself.
Creation Time: 2024/05/03
Description: For cross platform purpose, so start learning flutter.
Creation Time: 2024/05/12
Description: Follow the video to practice app development.