A wrapper for the AirNow air quality API from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding air_quality
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:air_quality, "~> 0.1.0"}
Set your AirNow API credentials in your config.exs
config :air_quality,
api_key: System.get_env("AIRNOW_API_KEY")
AirQuality.Current.get_by_latlong({latitude, longitude}, miles)
Use a tuple of latitude and longitude to get_by_latlong
, along with a miles
parameter for finding a nearby reporting station:
iex> AirQuality.Current.get_by_latlong({42.1946, -122.7095}, 100)
"AQI" => 191,
"Category" => %{"Name" => "Unhealthy", "Number" => 4},
"DateObserved" => "2018-08-09 ",
"HourObserved" => 10,
"Latitude" => 42.1941,
"LocalTimeZone" => "PST",
"Longitude" => -122.7086,
"ParameterName" => "PM2.5",
"ReportingArea" => "Ashland",
"StateCode" => "OR"
AirQuality.Current.get_by_zip(zip_code, miles)
Use a zip code
to find nearby measurements.
iex(2)> AirQuality.Current.get_by_zip(97520, 100)
"AQI" => 191,
"Category" => %{"Name" => "Unhealthy", "Number" => 4},
"DateObserved" => "2018-08-09 ",
"HourObserved" => 10,
"Latitude" => 42.1941,
"LocalTimeZone" => "PST",
"Longitude" => -122.7086,
"ParameterName" => "PM2.5",
"ReportingArea" => "Ashland",
"StateCode" => "OR"
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/air_quality.