Design files and code for my open source Mod-able RGB Laser Wifi Clock that I sell on tindie:
It's custom hardware and custom code but all open source so if you want the challenge of making one yourself or you want to hack the code, go for it!
I have a live stream build of the board here if you want to see what's involved:
Inlcluded in this reposity:
- EagleCAD schematics and Board layout files (Eagle 9.2)
- Exported Gerber files (Gerber 274X)
- STL & DXF files for the 3D printed case and laser cut pieces
- Adrduino code
Here is a video guide to assembling the case
You will need to have the ESP8266 board for Arduino IDE installed. If you don't, you can follow the instructions here:
Once installed you'll need to select the LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & Mini as the board type.
Plus the following libraries from Library Manager
- One Button
- TimeLib
- WifiManager (tzapu)
- ArduinoJson
I love designing, making and releasing our projects as open source. I do it because I believe it’s important to share knowledge and give back to the community, like many have done before me. It helps us all learn and grow.
That said, a lot of time, effort and finances have gone into designing and releasing these files, so please consider supporting me by buy some of my TiinyPICO products:
Or by buying one of our products on tindie:
Or by becoming a Patron: