Symfony Panther extension for Behat
composer require --dev robertfausk/behat-panther-extension
- Add
Robertfausk\Behat\PantherExtension: ~
to your behat.yml. - Use
session inBehat\MinkExtension
. - The extension will use options of
by default. Have a look atPantherTestCaseTrait::$defaultOptions
for this. - Following are some examples with all sessions using mink-panther-driver:
# in behat.yml extensions: Robertfausk\Behat\PantherExtension: ~ # no configuration here Behat\MinkExtension: javascript_session: javascript_chrome sessions: default: panther: ~ javascript: panther: options: ~ javascript_chrome: panther: options: browser: 'chrome' webServerDir: '%paths.base%/public' # your custom public dir javascript_firefox: panther: options: browser: 'firefox' javascript_with_all_options: panther: options: env: APP_ENV: 'dev' hostname: '' kernel_options: ~ # unused by behat-panther-extension cause it does not extend KernelTestCase manager_options: connection_timeout_in_ms: 5000 request_timeout_in_ms: 120000
See also
# in behat.yml enable logging
Robertfausk\Behat\PantherExtension: ~
javascript_session: javascript
- --log-path=/var/www/html/chromedriver.log
- --verbose
# in behat.yml ensure that chrome saves files to the destination you want
Robertfausk\Behat\PantherExtension: ~
javascript_session: javascript
files_path: '%paths.base%/tests/files'
download.default_directory: '/var/www/html/tests/files/Downloads'
# acme_download.feature
Feature: Acme files can be downloaded
Given there is no file in download directory
# additionally setup your database entries etc. if needed
Scenario: As an user with role Admin i can download an existing acme file
Given I am authenticated as "[email protected]"
And I am on "/acme-file-list"
Then I wait for "acme.pdf" to appear
When I click on test element "button-acme-download"
Then I can find file "acme.pdf" in download directory
use Assert\Assertion;
use Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
* @When /^I click on test element "([^"]*)"$/
* @param string $locator
public function iClickOnTestElement(string $locator): void
$btn = $this->getTestElement($locator);
* @Given /^there is no file in download directory$/
public function thereIsNoFileinDownloadDirectory(): void
$finder = new Finder();
$fs = new Filesystem();
* @Then /^I can find file "([^"]*)" in download directory$/
public function iCanFindFileInDownloadDirectory($filename)
$fs = new Filesystem();
$path = \sprintf('%s%s%s', $this->getDownloadDirectory(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filename);
static function () use ($fs, $path): void {
$isFileExisting = $fs->exists($path);
private function getDownloadDirectory(): string
return \sprintf('%s%sDownloads', $this->getMinkParameter('files_path'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
private function getTestElement(string $dataTestLocator, int $tries = 25): NodeElement
return $this->getNodeElement("[data-test='$dataTestLocator']", $tries);
private function spin(\Closure $closure, ?int $tries = 25): ?NodeElement
for ($i = 0; $i <= $tries; $i++) {
try {
return $closure();
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
if ($i === $tries) {
throw $e;
\usleep(100000); // 100 milliseconds
Have a look at CHANGELOG for detailed information.
Start docker-compose with php version of your choice. At the moment the following php versions can be used with docker-compose: php7.2
, php7.3
, php7.4
, php8.0
, php8.1
, php8.2
and php8.3
E.g. you can start a container like this:
docker-compose up php8.2
Upgrade scenario lock files:
docker-compose run php8.2 composer update
Run phpunit tests:
docker-compose run php8.2 vendor/bin/phpunit
If you want to start up all containers at once and keep them running in background then run the following:
docker-compose up -d php7.2
docker-compose up -d php7.3
docker-compose up -d php7.4
docker-compose up -d php8.0
docker-compose up -d php8.1
docker-compose up -d php8.2
docker-compose up -d php8.3
If you want to execute tests for scenario symfony6
and php8.2
then run the following:
docker-compose run php8.2 composer scenario symfony6
docker-compose run php8.2 vendor/bin/bdi detect drivers
docker-compose run php8.2 vendor/bin/behat --config=tests/Behat/behat.yml
docker-compose run php8.2 vendor/bin/phpunit
Or if you want to execute tests for scenario symfony7
and php8.3
then run the following:
docker-compose run php8.3 composer scenario symfony7
docker-compose run php8.3 vendor/bin/bdi detect drivers
docker-compose run php8.3 vendor/bin/behat --config=tests/Behat/behat.yml
docker-compose run php8.3 vendor/bin/phpunit
See also for more information about scenarios.
Created by Robert Freigang robertfausk.
BehatPantherExtension is built on top of symfony/panther and robertfausk/mink-panther-driver. It is for usage with Behat and Mink.