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Custom script: Searching

MrsBadger edited this page Aug 24, 2018 · 4 revisions

Search steps

  1. Open our main page http:// [ url ] /
  2. Find a search form
  3. Type in a search request in a following manner:
  • It has a special input format
  • The first position must be the word "Статья"
  • The second position must be one number - the number of this article.
  • The third position must be a phrase: the name of the legal document, for example "гражданский кодекс" or "гк".
  • The whole request is going to look like this: "Статья 200 гражданского кодекса".
  • If you don't follow the format you will see a text under the search form: "We didn't find anything...". You will see this phrase if our system can't find anything on your request.
  1. Now you can push a search button.
  2. You will be redirected to the page with a list of links to courts' opinions which were mentioned in your search request.
  3. To see a full text of the court opinion you can simply open any link.
  4. The requested phrase will be highlighted in red.

Some remarks:

  • We have unique links for each result so you can use them several times.
  • If you use API for searching you can get an error, because you may write incorrect data in link.
  • If the base is updated - the number of opinions will increase.
  • Be careful and report all bugs that you can find :)
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