This is a Gutenberg Block plugin for WordPress that adds a grid of feature cards that the user can interact with to learn more about various features, highlights, or anything else you want to put in a card and link to in order to give the user more details about that feature. It features an image that shows when card is active or hovered, as well as the ability to link to a page.
Go to your local site's plugin directory
git clone
CD to new directory in plugins (maybe /feature-grid-victor-block)
Build directory is included in Git repo, so at this point, you can just go to your Plugins area in WordPress admin and Activate the plugin to try it out.
If you want to for this repo and make changes, you'll need to know:
This repo was made using create-block and wordpress/scripts. So, if you are familiar with all of that, then most of the same applies here.
Otherwise, keep reading...
npm install
To build
npm run build
To run dev server
npm start