- Download the Terrific theme and unzip it into the /wp-content/themes directory
- Create the /wp-content/themes/terrific/cache/ directory and make it writeable by webserver (chmod 777 ...)
- Activate the theme in WordPress!
Create a install.sh with the following code in your document root and run it
echo "Installing WordPress $VERSION with Terrific..."
wget http://wordpress.org/wordpress-$VERSION.tar.gz
tar xvfz wordpress-$VERSION.tar.gz
cd wordpress
echo -e "<?php define('WP_DEFAULT_THEME', 'terrific'); ?>\n$(cat wp-config-sample.php)" > wp-config-sample.php
cd wp-content
cd themes
wget https://github.com/rogerdudler/terrific-integration-wordpress/tarball/master --no-check-certificate
tar xvfz master
mv rogerdudler-terrific-integration-wordpress-* terrific
rm master
cd terrific
mkdir cache
chmod 777 cache
echo "Finished."
Delete the shell script and open up your browser on your domain and install wordpress with the installer.
- TerrificJS 1.0
- JQuery 1.6.2
- YUI Reset 2.9.0
- Modernizr 1.0.6
- Appear 1.1.1 (for async share buttons)
- Fancybox 1.3.4 (lightbox)
- Validation 1.8.1 (for comment form validation)
Read more on http://www.rogerdudler.com/terrific-theme-framework-for-wordpress/