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Added entropy lock to opt3.
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Added very effective brute force solver for small tsp instances.
  • Loading branch information
root-11 committed Sep 20, 2023
1 parent db3c7c3 commit a795325
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 11 deletions.
60 changes: 49 additions & 11 deletions graph/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
from sys import maxsize
from itertools import combinations
from itertools import combinations, permutations
from collections import Counter
from statistics import stdev
from .base import BasicGraph
from bisect import insort
from random import shuffle

def tsp_branch_and_bound(graph):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,19 +152,19 @@ def _greedy(graph):

if len(new_segment) != len(graph.nodes()):
raise ValueError("there's an unconnected component in the graph.")
return new_segment
return tuple(new_segment)

def _opt1(graph, tour):
"""Iterative improvement based on relocation."""

d_best = graph.distance(tour, return_to_start=True)
p_best = tour
L = tour[:]
L = tuple(tour)
for i in range(len(tour)):
tmp = L[:i] + L[i + 1 :]
for j in range(len(tour)):
L2 = tmp[:j] + [L[i]] + tmp[j:]
L2 = tmp[:j] + (L[i],) + tmp[j:]
d = graph.distance(L2, return_to_start=True)
if d < d_best:
d_best = d
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,13 +193,11 @@ def _opt1(graph, tour):
# if i == j:
# continue

return list(p_best)
return tuple(p_best)

def _opt2(graph, tour):
"""Iterative improvement based on 2 exchange."""
if not isinstance(graph, BasicGraph):
raise TypeError()

def reverse_segment_if_improvement(graph, tour, i, j):
"""If reversing tour[i:j] would make the tour shorter, then do it."""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,17 +230,17 @@ def _zipwalk(tour):
p0 = tour[:]

if improvements == {None} or len(improvements) == 0:
return p0
return tuple(p0)

counter[tuple(tour)] += 1
inc += 1
if inc % 100 == 0:
c1 = {k: v for k, v in counter.items() if v != 1}
if c1: # there are any repeated values ...
if c1.keys() == c2.keys(): # ...and the keys haven't changed ...
if sum(c1.values()) - sum(c2.values()) == 100: # ... and the last 100 steps
if sum(c1.values()) - sum(c2.values()) == 100: # ... and the last 100 steps
# ... are completely accounted for, then it's a loop.
return p0
return tuple(p0)
c2 = c1

Expand All @@ -251,6 +250,9 @@ def _opt3(graph, tour):
def distance(a, b, graph=graph):
return graph.edge(a, b, default=maxsize)

def _zipwalk(tour):
return [(tour[i - 1], tour[i]) for i in range(len(tour))]

def reverse_segment_if_better(tour, i, j, k):
"""If reversing tour[i:j] would make the tour shorter, then do it."""
# Given tour [...A-B...C-D...E-F...]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,13 +286,46 @@ def all_segments(n: int):
"""Generate all segments combinations"""
return ((i, j, k) for i in range(n) for j in range(i + 2, n) for k in range(j + 2, n + (i > 0)))

tour = list(tour)
p0, d0 = tour[:], sum(graph.edge(a, b) for a, b in _zipwalk(tour))
counter, inc, c_max = Counter(), 0, 2
while True:
delta = 0
for a, b, c in all_segments(len(tour)):
delta += reverse_segment_if_better(tour, a, b, c)

d1 = sum(graph.edge(a, b) for a, b in _zipwalk(tour))
if d1 < d0:
d0 = d1
p0 = tour[:]

if delta >= 0:
return tour

counter[tuple(tour)] += 1
if any(v > c_max for v in counter.values()):
c_max += 1

inc += 1
if inc % 100 == 0:
if stdev(counter.values()) > 2: # the variance is exploding.
return tuple(p0)

def brute_force(graph):
d2 = float('inf')
nodes = graph.nodes()
for route in permutations(nodes, len(nodes)):
if route[0]!=nodes[0]: # all iterations after this point are rotations.
route += (route[0],)
d = graph.distance_from_path(route)
if d < d2:
d2 = d
p2 = route[:-1]
return d2, tuple(p2)

def tsp_2023(graph):
Expand All @@ -304,6 +339,9 @@ def tsp_2023(graph):
if not isinstance(graph, BasicGraph):
raise TypeError(f"Expected subclass of BasicGraph, not {type(graph)}")

if len(graph.nodes()) < 7:
return brute_force(graph)

t = _greedy(graph)
d = graph.distance(t)

Expand Down

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