#Color Space Canvas
Uses WebGL shaders to renders color spaces on HTML canvas elements. Useful for creating high performance color pickers.
##Current Status HSV Color space is fully functional. HSL, RGB, Lab and HCL are in development.
Fallback to 2d canvas context if webgl not available (hsv only)
H (Hue) is a value between 0-360 degrees S (Saturation) is a value between 0-1 V (Value) is a value between 0-1
Create a canvas
<canvas id="hsv-canvas" width="256" height="256"></canvas>
Use ColorSpaceCanvas to render to the canvas
The following will render (S)aturation along the x axis and (V)alue along the y axis.
var hsvCanvas = document.getElementById('hsv-canvas'));
var hsv = new ColorSpaceCanvas({colorSpace:'hsv', colorValues:[0,1,1], axes:'sv'}, hsvCanvas);
The following will render (H)ue along the x axis.
var hsv = new ColorSpaceCanvas({colorSpace:'hsv', colorValues:[0,1,1], axes:'h'}, hsvCanvas);