This is a project to run a set of jobs in parallel using the RabbitMQ message broker.
- bunny gem
- chronic gem
- mediainfo gem
- mysql2 gem
- servolux gem
- sql-maker gem
- Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ perl module
To see a list of all available options available run the script with the '-h' help switch:
add-mb-job -h
Here is the usage message:
Usage: add-mb-job -r <rstar dir> [-m <mq host>]
[-p <priority>] [-c <mysql config>]
-s <service>
[-e <extra_args>] [-j <json config>]
[wip_id] ...
-m <RabbitMQ host>
-r <R* directory>
-h flag to print help message
-v verbose output
-i <message priority>
-c <path to mysql config file>
-s <service>
-e <extra command ling args>
-j <json config file to pass to job>
To add jobs to the task queue, run the '' script. For example, to generate derivatives for the book 'cornell_aco000384' from the Cornell ACO collection, the invocation would look like:
add-mb-job -m localhost \
-r /root/path/of/rstar/content/cornell/aco \
-s book_publisher:create_derivatives \
Here the '-r' option sets the path to the rstar directory, '-m' specifies the hostname of RabbitMQ message broker, and the 's' flag sets the service to "book_publisher:create_derivatives" which tells the workers to generate derivatives for the book.
To generate derivatives, pdf, and stitched pages for a book, simply change the -s to 'book_publisher:gen_all'
add-mb-job -m localhost \
-r /root/path/of/rstar/content/cornell/aco \
-s book_publisher:gen_all \
If you would like to process all wip ids in the rstar directory, do no specify any wip ids on the command line.
add-mb-job -m localhost \
-r /root/path/of/rstar/content/cornell/aco \
-s book_publisher:gen_all
If you have a file containing a list of wip ids you could do the following:
cat wip_id_list.txt | xargs add-mb-job \
-r /root/path/of/rstar/content/cornell/aco \
-s book_publisher:gen_all
add-mb-job \
-r /root/path/of/rstar/content/cornell/aco \
-s book_publisher:gen_all `cat wip_id_list.txt`
Possible service values for book publishing are:
To transcode videos in a wip structure, you would use an invocation similar to above but would change the service to "video:transcode". For example:
add-mb-job -m localhost \
-r /root/path/of/rstar/provider/collection \
-s video:transcode \
To transcode videos from an input directory and place the newly encoded files in an output directory, set the -i and -o options for source and destination directories.
add-mb-job -m localhost \
-i /input/directory \
-o /output/directory \
-s video:transcode
To transcode a single video file, set -i to the path of the source video file, set -o to the output prefix. If the -o option is not set, the output prefix will be determined by the path of the source video file.
add-mb-job -m localhost \
-i /path/to/video/file \
-o /output/path/prefix \
-s video:transcode
To encode audio files:
add-mb-job -m localhost \
-i /input/directory \
-o /output/directory \
-s audio:transcode
Service values for audio/video processing are:
The following service values allow you to test the system by running simple command line utilities.
The values are
which execute the ping, fortune, and false commands respectively. You will only need to set the -m and -s options for add-mb-job to run these utilities. For example,
add-mb-job -m 192.168.32 -s util:nope
We should expect the example above to result in a failed job since we are running /bin/false which returns a non-zero exit value.
Sending jobs to the task-queue causes the backends scripts to run with their default options. For example, transcoding runs with the "Movie Scenes" encoding profile. At present, there are two ways to change this behavior. You can set the -e flag to pass in extra arguments or you create a text file containing a json hash which sets the key "extra_args". Let's say we want to change the encoding profile to "HIDVL"
Method 1:
add-mb-job -m localhost \
-i /input/directory \
-o /output/directory \
-s video:transcode \
-e "--profiles_path profiles-hidvl.xml"
Method 2:
echo '{"extra_args": "--profiles_path profiles-hidvl.xml"}' > config.json
add-mb-job -m localhost \
-i /input/directory \
-o /output/directory \
-s video:transcode \
-j config.json
In the above example, you saw how we set extra_args using a json file to change the default profile for video encoding. You can use it to also set different parameters for the backend class. You can find more examples in the doc/samples directory.
You will notice that once a job is submitted, you will receive a batch number which you can use to track all jobs within a batch. This is probably more useful when submitting rstar related jobs because you might have multiple wip ids in a batch.
Once you've added jobs to the queue, you'll probably want to check their status. This can be accomplished by running the following script:
This will produce a simple table that shows the wip id, job status (such as 'processing', 'success', 'error'), and date of completion.
To check the status of jobs in a particular batch, please add the batch number to the -b switch. For example to check the status of batch 3:
check-job-status -b 3
You can see the list of available options by specifying the '--help' flag.