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PrsEP - parser with current pos count
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rsinukov committed Oct 12, 2018
1 parent 37f1426 commit 1e18835
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 0 deletions.
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions PrsEP.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
import Control.Applicative

newtype PrsEP a = PrsEP { runPrsEP :: Int -> String -> (Int, Either String (a, String)) }

parseEP :: PrsEP a -> String -> Either String (a, String)
parseEP p = snd . runPrsEP p 0

satisfyEP :: (Char -> Bool) -> PrsEP Char
satisfyEP pr = PrsEP fun where
fun pos [] = (pos + 1, Left $ "pos " ++ (show (pos + 1)) ++ ": unexpected end of input")
fun pos (c:cx) | pr c = (pos + 1, Right (c, cx))
| otherwise = (pos + 1, Left $ "pos " ++ (show (pos + 1)) ++ ": unexpected " ++ [c])

charEP :: Char -> PrsEP Char
charEP c = satisfyEP (== c)

anyEP :: PrsEP Char
anyEP = satisfyEP (const True)

instance Functor PrsEP where
fmap f p = PrsEP fun where
fun pos s = (\either -> (\(x, s') -> (f x, s')) <$> either) <$> (runPrsEP p pos s)

instance Applicative PrsEP where
pure a = PrsEP $ \pos s -> (pos, Right (a, s))
pf <*> pv = PrsEP fun where
fun pos s = case (runPrsEP pf pos s) of
(pos1, (Left error)) -> (pos1, Left error)
(pos1, (Right (f, s'))) -> runPrsEP (f <$> pv) pos1 s'

instance Alternative PrsEP where
-- empty :: f a
empty = PrsEP $ \pos s -> (pos, Left $ "pos " ++ (show pos) ++ ": empty alternative")
-- (<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
p <|> q = PrsEP fun where
fun pos s = select (runPrsEP p pos s) (runPrsEP q pos s) where
select (pos1, val1@(Right a)) _ = (pos1, val1)
select (pos1, val1@(Left a)) (pos2, val2@(Right _)) = (pos2, val2)
select (pos1, val1) (pos2, val2) = if (pos1 >= pos2) then (pos1, val1) else (pos2, val2)

-- GHCi> runPrsEP empty 0 "ABCDEFG"
-- (0,Left "pos 0: empty alternative")
-- GHCi> charEP c = satisfyEP (== c)
-- GHCi> tripleP [a,b,c] = (\x y z -> [x,y,z]) <$> charEP a <*> charEP b <*> charEP c
-- GHCi> parseEP (tripleP "ABC" <|> tripleP "ADC") "ABE"
-- Left "pos 3: unexpected E"
-- GHCi> parseEP (tripleP "ABC" <|> tripleP "ADC") "ADE"
-- Left "pos 3: unexpected E"
-- GHCi> parseEP (tripleP "ABC" <|> tripleP "ADC") "AEF"
-- Left "pos 2: unexpected E"

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