Tags: ruanwenjun/incubator-seatunnel
Merge pull request apache#694 from InterestingLab/garyelephant.fix.ke… …rberos v1 bugfixs and project rename
Merge pull request apache#661 from InterestingLab/garyelephant.bugfix… ….hive_output added Hive in BaseOutput META-INF service file
Merge pull request apache#642 from InterestingLab/garyelephant.bump.v… …ersion bump version to 1.5.2
Merge pull request apache#573 from InterestingLab/garyelephant.fea.bu… …mp_version bump version
Merge pull request apache#562 from cnmac/v2_dev_cnmac Add missing pom dependencies
Merge pull request apache#550 from InterestingLab/rickyhuo.release.1.5.1 Bump version 1.5.1
Merge pull request apache#511 from InterestingLab/rickyhuo.enhance.dr… …iver Rickyhuo.enhance.driverConf