IRB stands for "interactive Ruby" and is a tool to interactively execute Ruby expressions read from the standard input.
The irb
command from your shell will start the interpreter.
- Installation
- Usage
- Commands
- Debugging with IRB
- Type Based Completion
- Configuration
- Documentation
- Extending IRB
- Development
- Contributing
- Releasing
- License
IRB is a default gem of Ruby so you shouldn't need to install it separately.
But if you're using Ruby 2.6 or later and want to upgrade/install a specific version of IRB, please follow these steps.
To install it with bundler
, add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'irb'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it directly with:
$ gem install irb
We're working hard to match Pry's variety of powerful features in IRB, and you can track our progress or find contribution ideas in this document.
You can start a fresh IRB session by typing irb
in your terminal.
In the session, you can evaluate Ruby expressions or even prototype a small Ruby script. An input is executed when it is syntactically complete.
$ irb
irb(main):001> 1 + 2
=> 3
irb(main):002* class Foo
irb(main):003* def foo
irb(main):004* puts 1
irb(main):005* end
irb(main):006> end
=> :foo
=> nil
If you use Ruby 2.5 or later versions, you can also use binding.irb
in your program as breakpoints.
Once a binding.irb
is evaluated, a new IRB session will be started with the surrounding context:
$ ruby test.rb
From: test.rb @ line 2 :
1: def greet(word)
=> 2: binding.irb
3: puts "Hello #{word}"
4: end
6: greet("World")
irb(main):001:0> word
=> "World"
irb(main):002:0> exit
Hello World
The following commands are available on IRB. You can get the same output from the help
help List all available commands. Use `help <command>` to get information about a specific command.
exit Exit the current irb session.
exit! Exit the current process.
irb_load Load a Ruby file.
irb_require Require a Ruby file.
source Loads a given file in the current session.
irb_info Show information about IRB.
history Shows the input history. `-g [query]` or `-G [query]` allows you to filter the output.
cwws Show the current workspace.
chws Change the current workspace to an object.
workspaces Show workspaces.
pushws Push an object to the workspace stack.
popws Pop a workspace from the workspace stack.
Multi-irb (DEPRECATED)
irb Start a child IRB.
jobs List of current sessions.
fg Switches to the session of the given number.
kill Kills the session with the given number.
debug Start the debugger of debug.gem.
break Start the debugger of debug.gem and run its `break` command.
catch Start the debugger of debug.gem and run its `catch` command.
next Start the debugger of debug.gem and run its `next` command.
delete Start the debugger of debug.gem and run its `delete` command.
step Start the debugger of debug.gem and run its `step` command.
continue Start the debugger of debug.gem and run its `continue` command.
finish Start the debugger of debug.gem and run its `finish` command.
backtrace Start the debugger of debug.gem and run its `backtrace` command.
info Start the debugger of debug.gem and run its `info` command.
edit Open a file or source location.
measure `measure` enables the mode to measure processing time. `measure :off` disables it.
show_doc Enter the mode to look up RI documents.
ls Show methods, constants, and variables.
show_source Show the source code of a given method or constant.
whereami Show the source code around binding.irb again.
$ Alias for `show_source`
@ Alias for `whereami`
Starting from version 1.8.0, IRB boasts a powerful integration with debug.gem
, providing a debugging experience akin to pry-byebug
After hitting a binding.irb
breakpoint, you can activate the debugger with the debug
command. Alternatively, if the debug
method happens to already be defined in the current scope, you can call irb_debug
From: test.rb @ line 3 :
2: def greet(word)
=> 3: binding.irb
4: puts "Hello #{word}"
5: end
7: greet("World")
irb(main):001> debug
Once activated, the prompt's header changes from irb
to irb:rdbg
, enabling you to use any of debug.gem
's commands:
irb:rdbg(main):002> info # use info command to see available variables
%self = main
_ = nil
word = "World"
irb:rdbg(main):003> next # use next command to move to the next line
[1, 7] in test.rb
2| def greet(word)
3| binding.irb
=> 4| puts "Hello #{word}"
5| end
7| greet("World")
=>#0 Object#greet(word="World") at test.rb:4
#1 <main> at test.rb:7
Simultaneously, you maintain access to IRB's commands, such as show_source
irb:rdbg(main):004> show_source greet
From: test.rb:2
def greet(word)
puts "Hello #{word}"
offers many advanced debugging features that simple REPLs can't provide, including:
- Step-debugging
- Frame navigation
- Setting breakpoints with commands
- Thread control
- ...and many more
To learn about these features, please refer to debug.gem
's commands list.
In the irb:rdbg
session, the help
command will also display all commands from debug.gem
This integration offers several benefits over debug.gem
's native console:
- Access to handy IRB commands like
. - Support for multi-line input.
- Symbol shortcuts such as
) and$
). - Autocompletion.
- Customizable prompt.
However, there are also some limitations to be aware of:
doesn't supportpre
arguments likebinding.break
.- As IRB doesn't currently support remote-connection, it can't be used with
's remote debugging feature. - Access to the previous return value via the underscore
is not supported.
IRB's default completion IRB::RegexpCompletor
uses Regexp. IRB has another experimental completion IRB::TypeCompletor
that uses type analysis.
Install ruby/repl_type_completor with:
$ gem install repl_type_completor
Or add these lines to your project's Gemfile.
gem 'irb'
gem 'repl_type_completor', group: [:development, :test]
Now you can use type based completion by:
Running IRB with the --type-completor
$ irb --type-completor
Or writing this line to IRB's rc-file (e.g. ~/.irbrc
IRB.conf[:COMPLETOR] = :type # default is :regexp
Or setting the environment variable IRB_COMPLETOR
To check if it's enabled, type irb_info
into IRB and see the Completion
irb(main):001> irb_info
# Enabled
Completion: Autocomplete, ReplTypeCompletor: 0.1.0, Prism: 0.18.0, RBS: 3.3.0
# Not enabled
Completion: Autocomplete, RegexpCompletor
If you have sig/
directory or rbs_collection.lock.yaml
in current directory, IRB will load it.
IRB::TypeCompletor can autocomplete chained methods, block parameters and more if type information is available. These are some examples IRB::RegexpCompletor cannot complete.
irb(main):001> 'Ruby'.upcase.chars.s # Array methods (sample, select, shift, size)
irb(main):001> do |s|
irb(main):002> s.up # String methods (upcase, upcase!, upto)
irb(main):001> class User < ApplicationRecord
irb(main):002> def foo
irb(main):003> sa # save, save!
As a trade-off, completion calculation takes more time than IRB::RegexpCompletor.
Compared with Steep, IRB::TypeCompletor has some difference and limitations.
[0, 'a'].sample.
# Steep completes intersection of Integer methods and String methods
# IRB::TypeCompletor completes both Integer and String methods
Some features like type narrowing is not implemented.
def f(arg = [0, 'a'].sample)
if arg.is_a?(String)
arg. # Completes both Integer and String methods
Unlike other static type checker, IRB::TypeCompletor uses runtime information to provide better completion.
irb(main):001> a = [1]
=> [1]
irb(main):002> a.first. # Completes Integer methods
: Assigning a value to it disables IRB's colorization.IRB_USE_AUTOCOMPLETE
: Setting it tofalse
disables IRB's autocompletion.IRB_COMPLETOR
: Configures IRB's auto-completion behavior, allowing settings for eitherregexp
: Its value would be used to open files by theedit
: Its value would be used to open files by theedit
command ifVISUAL
is unset.IRBRC
: The file specified would be evaluated as IRB's rc-file.
IRB is currently going through some refactoring to bring in some cool improvements and make things more flexible for developers. We know that in the past, due to a lack of public APIs and documentation, many of you have had to use IRB's private APIs and components to extend it. We also know that changes can be a bit annoying and might mess with your current setup.
We're sorry if this causes a bit of a scramble. We're working hard to make IRB better and your input is super important to us. If you've been using private APIs or components in your projects, we'd love to hear about your use cases. Please feel free to file a new issue. Your feedback will be a massive help in guiding us on how to design and prioritize the development of official APIs in the future.
Right now, we've got command extension APIs on the drawing board, as you can see in #513. We've also got a prototype for helper method extension APIs in the works, as shown in #588.
We really appreciate your understanding and patience during this transition. We're pretty excited about the improvements these changes will bring to the IRB ecosystem and we hope you are too!
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
- Fork the project to your GithHub account
- Clone the fork with
git clone [email protected]:[your_username]/irb.git
- Run
bundle install
- Run
bundle exec rake
to make sure tests pass locally
If your changes affect component rendering, such as the autocompletion's dialog/dropdown, you may need to run IRB's integration tests, known as yamatanooroti
Before running these tests, ensure that you have libvterm
installed. If you're using Homebrew, you can install it by running:
brew install libvterm
After installing libvterm
, you can run the integration tests using the following commands:
WITH_VTERM=1 bundle install
WITH_VTERM=1 bundle exec rake test test_yamatanooroti
rake release
gh release create vX.Y.Z --generate-notes
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the 2-Clause BSD License.