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tips for giving a talk

Joshua Paling edited this page Apr 8, 2014 · 3 revisions

Table of Contents

Best Practices

For Presenting

  • Prepare your presentation. For, like, more than 5 minutes before the talk.
  • Practise your presentation.
  • Your slides don't need to be super-slick glossy and keynote themed. You don't even need slides if that works for your talk.
    • having said that, people will be able to tell how well you've prepared, regardless of the medium you choose.
  • Prepare your presentation.
  • Live-coding is for the brave-of-heart.
  • Long-form talks are 15 minutes in length + interruptions + discussion. Keep that in mind when preparing and practising.
Last but not least, don't forget to prepare your presentation.

For Screencasting

  • No transitions! At all... seriously.
  • We post-produce the screencasts at about 800x600 then reduce further to go onto Viddler. Keep that in mind when you're preparing your slides.
  • Its easiest for us if we can copy your slides onto a single presentation machine, generally a Mac running Leopard, having Apple Keynote and Textmate. This means you should keep in mind:
    • keep fancy fonts to a minimum, or be prepared to copy them to the presentation machine. If that's not an options, consider outputting your slides to PDF.
    • if you're preparing on windows or linux you should probably export your presentation to PDF, so that all the formatting etc. is preserved.


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