Take care of your pet, buy/sell your pet and items on the blockchain
Copyright (C) 2021 Rudolf Olah [email protected]
: React + Kaboom.js game frontendtoken
: Tailwag (TAG) token smart contract and game-specific smart contract logic, CW20 Fungible Token and CW721 NFTs
You will need:
- Go
- Rust
- LocalTerra
- terrad, from Terra Core (need to compile the source code from https://github.com/terra-money/core)
- Docker
You will need to build terrad, see: https://docs.terra.money/node/installation.html#building-terra-core
Terrad can be installed like this (from the core
cd terra-money-core
make install
# sudo GOPATH=/usr/local/go/bin GOBIN=/usr/local/bin make install
You can use the Terra Station desktop app to upload a contract (instead of using terrad).
- Go to "Contracts"
- Click "Upload" and select the
file - After upload, check your "History" for the transaction, it will contain the code of the contract
- Go to "Contracts"
- Click "Create" and enter the code and enter the instantiation JSON message
- After creation, refresh the "Contracts" and take nate of the transaction which shows the contract address
You will need to run local terra, see: https://docs.terra.money/contracts/tutorial/interacting.html#requirements
NOTE: terrad is the replacement for terracli.
Set up the testnet configuration like this:
mkdir -p ~/.terrad/config
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/terra-money/testnet/master/bombay-10/genesis.json > ~/.terra/config/genesis.json
curl https://network.terra.dev/addrbook.json > ~/.terra/config/addrbook.json
sed -i 's/minimum-gas-prices = "0uluna"/minimum-gas-prices = "0.15uluna,0.1018usdr,0.15uusd,178.05ukrw,431.6259umnt,0.125ueur,0.97ucny,16.0ujpy,0.11ugbp,11.0uinr,0.19ucad,0.13uchf,0.19uaud,0.2usgd,4.62uthb,1.25usek,1.164uhkd,0.9udkk,1.25unok,2180.0uidr,7.6uphp"/g' ~/.terra/config/app.toml
# add the following to ~/.terra/config/config.toml in the seeds field
# [email protected]:26656
export TERRAD=~/go/bin/terrad
$TERRAD start
$TERRAD status
For local terra you can do this;
export TERRAD=/path/to/LocalTerra/terracore/terrad
$TERRAD keys add test1 --recover
# Enter the mnemnonic
# satisfy adjust timber high purchase tuition stool faith fine install that you unaware feed domain license impose boss human eager hat rent enjoy dawn
For the testnet you can recover your own wallet account:
$TERRAD keys add test-wallet
# Copy the seed phrase
Now you can deploy the smart contract and interact with it:
export WALLET_NAME=test1 # for local terra
export CHAIN_ID=localterra # for local terra
export WALLET_NAME='test-wallet' # for testnet
export CHAIN_ID='bombay-10' # for testnet
$TERRAD tx wasm store ./token/artifacts/token.wasm --from $WALLET_NAME --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --gas=auto --fees=100000uluna --broadcast-mode=block
$TERRAD tx wasm instantiate 1 '{"total_supply":"10"}' --from $WALLET_NAME --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --fees=10000uluna --gas=auto --broadcast-mode=block
# Get the contract address from the previous command's output
$TERRAD query wasm contract $CONTRACT_ADDRESS
$TERRAD query wasm contract-store $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"token_info":{}}'
$TERRAD tx wasm execute $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"transfer":{"count":5}}' --from $WALLET_NAME --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --fees=1000000uluna --gas=auto --broadcast-mode=block
$TERRAD tx wasm execute $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"increment":{}}' --from $WALLET_NAME --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --gas=auto --fees=1000000uluna --broadcast-mode=block
$TERRAD query wasm contract-store $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"balance":{}}'