Lightweight social sharing buttons for React. No tracking. Just fun. Heavily inspired by
yarn add react-sharingbuttons
or alternatively:
npm install --save react-sharingbuttons
import { Facebook, Twitter } from 'react-sharingbuttons'
NOTE If you care about your bundle size, you can import each button separately.
import Facebook from 'react-sharingbuttons/dist/buttons/Facebook'
import Twitter from 'react-sharingbuttons/dist/buttons/Twitter'
Import predefined css:
import 'react-sharingbuttons/dist/main.css'
const sharingButtons = () => {
const url = ''
const shareText = 'Check this site!'
return (
<Facebook url={url} />
<Twitter url={url} shareText={shareText} />
You can customize buttons further to meet your needs. For example, following html will be rendered for Twitter
<a href="" class="react-sharing-button__link react-sharing-button--twitter">
<svg class="react-sharing-button__icon">...</svg>
<span class="react-sharing-button__text">Share me</span>
common props:
- text which is displayed inside button, default to button name.onClick
- onClick event passed toa
button specific props:
text , url , subject |
text , url |
text , url |
text , url , shareText (a pin description), mediaSrc |
text , url |
text , url , shareText (a tweet text), |
Tumblr | text , url , title , caption , content |