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Camera Models

Emanuele Giacomini edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 2 revisions

Currently, the following models and distortion coefficients are supported.

Pinhole Kannala-Brandth
None Work In Progress

Camera configuration file

By running the camera intrinsic calibration, you should obtain a YAML configuration file like the following:

  - 1200.0 # Fx
  - 1200.0 # Fy
  - 600.0  # Cx
  - 500.0  # Cy

  - 0.1
  - 0.2
  - 0.3
  - 0.4
  - 0.5

Calibrate using your toolbox

Regarding LiDAR-Camera calibration, you are not required to calibrate your camera using our toolbox. You may use whatever system you prefer by producing a configuration file like the one shown on this page to make it compliant with the rest of the toolbox.


Currently, Pinhole-Radtan is identified by using a 5-dimensional distortion coefficient vector. Some systems like Kalibr model radial-tangential distortion using 4 parameters. Be sure to include an additional zero parameter to your distortion coefficients

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