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A framework of Web API Client. Provides features error handling, retrying, pagination and so on.


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This gem is an API client builder. It provides generic functionality for creating API request classes. It has a structure based on Sawyer and Faraday with enhanced error handling functions.

It is supposed to be used in Ruby on Rails, but it is made to work in other environments. If you have any problems, please report them from the Issue page.


Supported Versions

  • Ruby 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
  • Rails 6.1, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'my_api_client'

If you are using Ruby on Rails, you can use the generator function.

$ rails g api_client path/to/resource get:path/to/resource --endpoint

create  app/api_clients/application_api_client.rb
create  app/api_clients/path/to/resource_api_client.rb
invoke  rspec
create    spec/api_clients/path/to/resource_api_client_spec.rb



The simplest usage example is shown below:

class ExampleApiClient < MyApiClient::Base
  endpoint ''

  attr_reader :access_token

  def initialize(access_token:)
    @access_token = access_token

  # GET
  # @return [Sawyer::Resource] HTTP resource parameter
  def get_users
    get 'users', headers: headers, query: { key: 'value' }

  # POST
  # @param name [String] Username which want to create
  # @return [Sawyer::Resource] HTTP resource parameter
  def post_user(name:)
    post 'users', headers: headers, body: { name: name }


  def headers
      'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
      'Authorization': "Bearer #{access_token}",

api_clinet = 'access_token')
api_clinet.get_users #=> #<Sawyer::Resource>

The endpoint defines the intersection of the request URL. Each method described below defines a subsequent path. In the above example, get 'users' will request to GET

Next, define #initialize. Suppose you want to set an Access Token, API Key, etc. as in the example above. You can omit the definition if you don't need it.

Then define #get_users and #post_user. It's a good idea to give the method name the title of the API. I'm calling #get and #post inside the method, which is the HTTP Method at the time of the request. You can also use #patch #put #delete.


Some APIs include a URL in the response to get the continuation of the result.

MyApiClient provides a method called #pageable_get to handle such APIs as enumerable. An example is shown below:

class MyPaginationApiClient < ApplicationApiClient
  endpoint ''

  # GET pagination?page=1
  def pagination
    pageable_get 'pagination', paging: '$', headers: headers, query: { page: 1 }


  def headers
    { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8' }

In the above example, the request is first made for GET, followed by the URL contained in the response JSON $ Make a request to enumerable.

For example, in the following response, $ indicates "":

  "links": {
    "next": "",
    "previous": ""
  "page": 2

#pageable_get returns Enumerator::Lazy, so you can get the following result by #each or #next:

api_clinet =
api_clinet.pagination.each do |response|
  # Do something.

result = api_clinet.pagination # => 1st page result # => 2nd page result # => 3rd page result

Note that #each is repeated until the value of paging becomes nil. You can set the upper limit of pagination by combining with #take.

You can also use #pget as an alias for #pageable_get:

# GET pagination?page=1
def pagination
  pget 'pagination', paging: '$', headers: headers, query: { page: 1 }

Error handling

MyApiClient allows you to define error handling that raises an exception depending on the content of the response. Here, as an example, error handling is defined in the above code:

class ExampleApiClient < MyApiClient::Base
  endpoint ''

  error_handling status_code: 400..499,
                 raise: MyApiClient::ClientError

  error_handling status_code: 500..599, raise: MyApiClient::ServerError do |_params, logger|
    logger.warn 'Server error occurred.'

  error_handling json: { '$.errors.code': 10..19 },
                 raise: MyApiClient::ClientError,
                 with: :my_error_handling

  # Omission


  # @param params [MyApiClient::Params::Params] HTTP reqest and response params
  # @param logger [MyApiClient::Request::Logger] Logger for a request processing
  def my_error_handling(params, logger)
    logger.warn "Response Body: #{params.response.body.inspect}"

I will explain one by one. First, about the one that specifies status_code as follows:

error_handling status_code: 400..499, raise: MyApiClient::ClientError

This will cause MyApiClient::ClientError to occur as an exception if the status code of the response is 400..499 for all requests from ExampleApiClient. Error handling also applies to classes that inherit from ExampleApiClient.

Note that Integer Range, and Regexp can be specified for status_code.

A class that inherits MyApiClient::Error can be specified for raise. Please check here for the error class defined as standard in my_api_client. If raise is omitted, MyApiClient::Error will be raised.

Next, about the case of specifying block:

error_handling status_code: 500..599, raise: MyApiClient::ServerError do |_params, logger|
  logger.warn 'Server error occurred.'

In the above example, if the status code is 500..599, the contents of block will be executed before raising MyApiClient::ServerError. The argument params contains request and response information.

logger is an instance for log output. If you log output using this instance, the request information will be included in the log output as shown below, which is convenient for debugging:

API request `GET`: "Server error occurred."
error_handling json: { '$.errors.code': 10..19 }, with: :my_error_handling

For json, specify JSONPath for the Key of Hash, get an arbitrary value from the response JSON, and check whether it matches value. You can handle errors. You can specify String Integer Range and Regexp for value.

In the above case, it matches JSON as below:

  "erros": {
    "code": 10,
    "message": "Some error has occurred."

For headers, specify response header for the Key of Hash, get an arbitrary value from the response header, and check whether it matches value. You can handle errors. You can specify String and Regexp for value.

error_handling headers: { 'www-authenticate': /invalid token/ }, with: :my_error_handling

In the above case, it matches response header as below:

cache-control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
content-type: application/json
www-authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="invalid token"
content-length: 104

By specifying the instance method name in with, when an error is detected, any method can be executed before raising an exception. The arguments passed to the method are params and logger as in the block definition. Note that block and with cannot be used at the same time.

# @param params [MyApiClient::Params::Params] HTTP req and res params
# @param logger [MyApiClient::Request::Logger] Logger for a request processing
def my_error_handling(params, logger)
  logger.warn "Response Body: #{params.response.body.inspect}"

Default error handling

In MyApiClient, the response of status code 400 ~ 500 series is handled as an exception by default. If the status code is in the 400s, an exception class that inherits MyApiClient::ClientError is raised, and in the 500s, an exception class that inherits MyApiClient::ServerError is raised.

Also, retry_on is defined by default for MyApiClient::NetworkError.

Both can be overridden, so define error_handling as needed.

They are defined here.

Use Symbol

error_handling json: { '$.errors.code': :negative? }

Although it is an experimental function, by specifying Symbol for value of status or json, you can call a method for the result value and judge the result. In the above case, it matches the following JSON. If #negative? does not exist in the target object, the method will not be called.


error_handling status_code: 200, json: :forbid_nil

It seems that some services expect an empty Response Body to be returned from the server, but an empty result is returned. This is also an experimental feature, but we have provided the json: :forbid_nil option to detect such cases. Normally, if the response body is empty, no error judgment is made, but if this option is specified, it will be detected as an error. Please be careful about false positives because some APIs have an empty normal response.




If the response of the API request matches the matcher defined in error_handling, the exception handling specified in raise will occur. This exception class must inherit MyApiClient::Error.

This exception class has a method called #params, which allows you to refer to request and response parameters.

rescue MyApiClient::Error => e
  # => {
  #      :request=>"#<MyApiClient::Params::Request#inspect>",
  #      :response=>"#<Sawyer::Response#inspect>",
  #    }

Bugsnag breadcrumbs

If you are using Bugsnag-Ruby v6.11.0 or later, [breadcrumbs function](https://docs. is automatically supported. With this function, Bugsnag.leave_breadcrumb is called internally when MyApiClient::Error occurs, and you can check the request information, response information, etc. when an error occurs from the Bugsnag console.


Next, I would like to introduce the retry function provided by MyApiClient.

class ExampleApiClient < MyApiClient::Base
  endpoint ''

  retry_on MyApiClient::NetworkError, wait: 0.1.seconds, attempts: 3
  retry_on MyApiClient::ApiLimitError, wait: 30.seconds, attempts: 3

  error_handling json: { '$.errors.code': 20 }, raise: MyApiClient::ApiLimitError

If the API request is executed many times, a network error may occur due to a line malfunction. In some cases, the network will be unavailable for a long time, but in many cases it will be a momentary error. In MyApiClient, network exceptions are collectively raised as MyApiClient::NetworkError. The details of this exception will be described later, but by using retry_on, it is possible to supplement arbitrary exception handling like ActiveJob and retry the API request a certain number of times and after a certain period of time.

Note that retry_on MyApiClient::NetworkError is implemented as standard, so it will be applied automatically without any special definition. Please define and use it only when you want to set an arbitrary value for wait or attempts.

However, unlike ActiveJob, it retries in synchronous processing, so I think that there is not much opportunity to use it other than retrying in case of a momentary network interruption. As in the above example, there may be cases where you retry in preparation for API Rate Limit, but it may be better to handle this with ActiveJob.

By the way, discard_on is also implemented, but since the author himself has not found an effective use, I will omit the details. Please let me know if there is a good way to use it.

Convenient usage

You can omit the definition of retry_on by adding the retry option to error_handling. For example, the following two codes have the same meaning:

retry_on MyApiClient::ApiLimitError, wait: 30.seconds, attempts: 3
error_handling json: { '$.errors.code': 20 },
               raise: MyApiClient::ApiLimitError
error_handling json: { '$.errors.code': 20 },
               raise: MyApiClient::ApiLimitError,
               retry: { wait: 30.seconds, attempts: 3 }

If you do not need to specify wait or attempts in retry_on, it works with retry: true:

error_handling json: { '$.errors.code': 20 },
               raise: MyApiClient::ApiLimitError,
               retry: true

Keep the following in mind when using the retry option:

  • The raise option must be specified for error_handling
  • Definition of error_handling using block is prohibited


As mentioned above, in MyApiClient, network exceptions are collectively raised as MyApiClient::NetworkError. Like the other exceptions, it has MyApiClient::Error as its parent class. A list of exception classes treated as MyApiClient::NetworkError can be found in MyApiClient::NETWORK_ERRORS. You can also refer to the original exception with #original_error:

rescue MyApiClient::NetworkError => e
  e.original_error # => #<Net::OpenTimeout>
  e.params.response # => nil

Note that a normal exception is raised depending on the result of the request, but since this exception is raised during the request, the exception instance does not include the response parameter.







Supports testing with RSpec. Add the following code to spec/spec_helper.rb (or spec/rails_helper.rb):

require 'my_api_client/rspec'


Suppose you have defined a ApiClient like this:

class ExampleApiClient < MyApiClient::Base
  endpoint ''

  error_handling status_code: 200, json: { '$.errors.code': 10 },
                 raise: MyApiClient::ClientError

  attr_reader :access_token

  def initialize(access_token:)
    @access_token = access_token

  # GET
  def get_users(condition:)
    get 'users', headers: headers, query: { search: condition }


  def headers
      'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
      'Authorization': "Bearer #{access_token}",





After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/my_api_client. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the MyApiClient project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


A framework of Web API Client. Provides features error handling, retrying, pagination and so on.




Code of conduct


