1171 commits
to main
since this release
Major Changes
- 3ae6be1: breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- 3ae6be1: breaking: React 18 support.
- 532a7d4: Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
Patch Changes
- 68c7b62: Card now has a isHoverable property to support hover styles.
- c8621b8: NativeSelect now accepts chilren and doesn't throw if no options are passed.
- fca06e4: Added Json Schema (ajv) support for AutoForm.
- da3c4e4: Added ErrorBoundary component.
- de0dce2: Scale reset button icon based on the input size.
- 6cc9343: Add exports entry for ajv
- 15c3960: Re-publish.
- 1744543: Updated dependencies.
- bd3438d: FormStep now supports an onSubmit handler.
- 6133901: No longer passing down label to input fields.
- dc6376f: Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- 43dff99: Option labels are now optional.
- 4bb613c: Added new RouterProvider and useActivePath now uses Router context.
- d4afda3: ArrayFieldRowFields now accepts all FormLayout props (#48).
- 9e9c601: Stepper now accepts an onChange handler.
- ddec417: ArrayField no longer passing down items to the container element.
- 43dff99: Field is now correctly typed based on the field type.
- 5a1b92b: Fix vertical orientation for FormStepper.
- 1fdf52a: Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- 38f7171: #50 - Fixed StepForm render prop types.
- 2ec8c91: Fixed vertical divider rendering incorrectly.
- 8f3f948: Removed redundant ThemeProvider / CSSReset and GlobalStyles components.
- 5f80cea: AutoForm now renders children.
- 532a7d4: Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- 42beaa4: Added missing dependency.
- 3dee538: Spacing between pin inputs can now be configured.
- 1c247cb: InputField now has type="text" by default.
- 07491fd: ContextMenu now passing down all props to the internal Menu.
- d1fb472: Select now renders a hidden input with the current value.
- 870db1f: New primary and secondary Button variant.
- 68f5d3b: Removed isPrimary and isSecondary Button properties, use variant="primary" instead.
- Updated dependencies [68c7b62]
- Updated dependencies [3ae6be1]
- Updated dependencies [c8621b8]
- Updated dependencies [fca06e4]
- Updated dependencies [de0dce2]
- Updated dependencies [6cc9343]
- Updated dependencies [15c3960]
- Updated dependencies [532a7d4]
- Updated dependencies [1744543]
- Updated dependencies [bd3438d]
- Updated dependencies [6133901]
- Updated dependencies [a8fa78a]
- Updated dependencies [dc6376f]
- Updated dependencies [43dff99]
- Updated dependencies [87d3fdc]
- Updated dependencies [ae47cbd]
- Updated dependencies [4bb613c]
- Updated dependencies [d4afda3]
- Updated dependencies [9e9c601]
- Updated dependencies [ddec417]
- Updated dependencies [a134a6f]
- Updated dependencies [1db5bf9]
- Updated dependencies [4fc04d7]
- Updated dependencies [43dff99]
- Updated dependencies [5a1b92b]
- Updated dependencies [1fdf52a]
- Updated dependencies [1744543]
- Updated dependencies [7a16ef7]
- Updated dependencies [38f7171]
- Updated dependencies [a134a6f]
- Updated dependencies [9043639]
- Updated dependencies [8f3f948]
- Updated dependencies [5f80cea]
- Updated dependencies [532a7d4]
- Updated dependencies [42beaa4]
- Updated dependencies [3dee538]
- Updated dependencies [1c247cb]
- Updated dependencies [07491fd]
- Updated dependencies [d1fb472]
- Updated dependencies [870db1f]
- Updated dependencies [3ae6be1]
- Updated dependencies [4fd1fb3]
- Updated dependencies [68f5d3b]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
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- @saas-ui/[email protected]
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- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]
- @saas-ui/[email protected]