This is a fully functional part of the free energy prediction code that allows for generating soap descriptors, optimization of the model parameters of prediction. If used, please cite:
The framework requires standard python3 release (like Anaconda with numpy, etc) as well as Dscribe ( for the computation of the SOAP descriptor.
To create soap descriptors put relaxed strures files in "\training" and "\prediction" folders, each structure in a appropriate sub folder named after the name of the structure (for example: "\training\butane" or "\prediction\ice"). Structure files has to be named: "" (for FHI-AIMS) or "" (for lammps). Next, run from the "\fep" directory:
This will creat "soap.npz" file containing SOAP descriptors as well as POSCAR files with structure data in appropriate sub folders.
This script, apart form the descriptors in the "\training" folder, requires additional file, called "fe.dat" containing the free energy data. The "fe.dat" file has the first line being a header, next, two columns: first containing names of the training structures (that has to be the same as the name of appropriate sub-folders), second column contains free energy per structure. To run the optimization run from the "fep" directory:
This will create "hp.npz" file in the "\training" directory, containing hyper parameters.
To perform prediction of the free energy run from the "\fep" directory:
This will create a "fep.dat" file in the "\prediction" sub-folder. The file contains predicted free energy values and is formatted the same way as the "fe.dat" file
To display obtained results and compare them (if available) with "" of the "\prediction" structures, run from the "fep" directory:
This will display the predicted free energy next to the benchmark data.