A framework for testing reinforcement learning algorithms on the simple XO game. Designed for learning and testing reinforcement learning and tree search algorithms. Based on similar environment for dots and boxes.
The GUI live demo is at safwankdb.github.io/xo
This is the program that runs a game-playing agent. This application listens to websocket requests that communicate game information and sends back the next action it wants to play.
$ python agents/youragent.py 8080
$ python agents/minimaxagent.py 8081
$ python agents/dqnagent.py --test 8082
This starts a websocket on the given port that can receveive JSON messages. The JSON messages given below should be handled by your agent.
$ python xocompete.py ws:// ws:// --episodes 5000
$ python xoserver.py 8080
Both players get a message that a new game has started:
"type": "start",
"player": 1,
"game": "123456"
where player
is the number assigned to this agent.
If you are player 1, reply with the first action you want to perform:
"type": "action",
"location": [1, 1],
The field location
is expressed as row and column (zero-based numbering).
When an action is played, the message sent to both players is:
"type": "action",
"game": "123456",
"player": 1,
"nextplayer": 2,
"location": [1, 1],
If it is your turn you should answer with a message that states your next move:
"type": "action",
"location": [1, 1],
When the game ends after an action, the message is slightly altered:
"type": "end",
"game": "123456",
"player": 1,
"nextplayer": 0,
"location": [1, 1],
"winner": 1
The type
field becomes end
and a new field winner
is set to the player
that has won the game.
- randomagent: Chooses a move randomly from all valid moves.
- simpleagent: Chooses the move with lowest index among valid moves.
- minimaxagent: Performs a full depth minimax tree search to find best moves, it can never lose.
- alphabetaagent: Uses alpha beta pruning in tree search and finds sub-optimal moves.
- dqnagent: Uses Deep Q Network to approximate the Q function and learns to play online.
Player 1 / Player 2 | MiniMax | AlphaBeta | Random | Simple |
MiniMax | 0-0-1000 | 1000-0-0 | 989-0-11 | 1000-0-0 |
AlphaBeta | 0-1000-0 | 1000-0-0 | 859-88-53 | 1000-0-0 |
Random | 0-815-185 | 208-598-194 | 582-310-108 | 545-427-28 |
Simple | 0-1000-0 | 765-180-55 | 0-1000-0 | 1000-0-0 |
Number of games won/lost/drawn per 1000 games.
- Host the xoserver somewhere.
- Write xocompete.py for playing 2 agents against each other.
- Write a random agent.
- Write a xoserver.py and a frontend for human player.
- Write the DQN.
- Add convolutional architecture in DQN.
- Write MiniMax agent.
- Write AlphaBeta search tree agent.
- Write a simple Q learning agent.
- Write a SARSA agent.
- Write Dueling DQN agent.
- Let Agents tell their names while playing.