This repository is intended to be used as a Snakemake workflow template. It provides all the necessary files and inline documentation to assist with generating your own customise workflow.
To run a Snakemake workflow, you will first need to have gone through the [Snakemake One-Time Setup] to install Snakemake in a conda environment.
# Activate the conda environment to make Snakemake
# available to you on the command line
conda activate \
# Run the workflow using the sahmri-hpc profile
# in order to have jobs submitted to Slurm
snakemake \
--profile profiles/sahmri-hpc
# Create an empty environment
conda create \
--yes \
--name "snakemake_v${SNAKEMAKE_VERSION}"
# Activate the new, empty environment
conda activate \
# Install mamba - a faster/better version of the conda executable
conda install \
--yes \
--channel conda-forge \
# Install Snakemake
mamba install \
--yes \
--channel bioconda \
--channel conda-forge \