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Update compose.yml

Update compose.yml #6

Workflow file for this run

context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
# Private Key, change to your own private key
PRIVATE_KEY_LOCAL: ${{ secrets.PVK }}
# 1. Set your preferred Node Environment
NODE_ENV: "testnet"
# 2. Set your log settings:
LOG_LEVEL: "debug"
LOG_PRETTY: "false"
# 3. Process orders and claims
# Set both to true if you want your Executor to process orders and claims.
# You can set them to false at any point.
# I.e. EXECUTOR_PROCESS_ORDERS=false will stop your Executor from processing new orders.
# 4. Specify limit on gas usage
# your executor will not taking order if L3 gas fee exceed this number
# (check current gas fee here >
# NETWORKS & RPC (details >
ENABLED_NETWORKS: "arbitrum-sepolia,base-sepolia,optimism-sepolia,l1rn"
RPC_ENDPOINTS_BSSP: "" # or change to your own custom rpc
RPC_ENDPOINTS_OPSP: "" # or change to your own custom rpc
RPC_ENDPOINTS_ARBT: "" # or change to your own custom rpc
RPC_ENDPOINTS_BLSS: "" # or change to your own custom rpc
RPC_ENDPOINTS_L1RN: "" # or change to your own custom rpc
# [Enable orders processing via RPC] ()
# set to false you want to process orders via RPC.
# Set to true to process via our API.
# -- [START] (optional) to prevent logging spam, remove '#' if you want to limit logging text to be saved --
# logging:
# driver: "json-file"
# options:
# max-size: "500k"
# max-file: "3"
# -- [END] (optional) to prevent logging spam, remove '#' if you want to limit logging text to be saved --