The idea of the project is to create the ability to control C++ objects from JavaScript code, similar to what Emscripten provides to developers but with a limited feature set due to memory access limitations. The project is inspired by Emscripten's embind and later by Boost.Python.
It is impossible to make multiple synchronous calls from JavaScript to C++ due to limitations imposed by the browser.
- macOS - look in macOS directory
- iOS
- Android
- Windows
Look into
to see on how to register Bridge communicator.
Example on how to bind C++ code:
class TestJSBinding {
TestJSBinding() { }
int getNumber() {
return i;
void setNumber(int newi) {
i = newi;
int i;
.function("setNumber", &TestJSBinding::setNumber)
.function("getNumber", &TestJSBinding::getNumber);
In javascript:
var object = new TestJSBinding();
var value2 = object.getNumber();
- bind a class
- bind regular functions of a class
- bind const functions of a class
- bind static functions of a class
- bind simple constructor of a class
- bind global functions
- generate funcitons JavaScript code based on bindings
- delete function for a C++ class
- execute generated JavaScript code at registerCommunicator
- val as wrapper around JS object - in progress - not possible
- EM_JS - read JS function's arguments and pass to a C++ function
- bind perfect forwarding functions of a class ??
- bind constructor with arguments of a class
- bind property members of a class
- implement typescript interafaces generator.
- bind enums
- bind vectors
smart pointers
simple EM_ASM
Non-essential - out of scope:
Deriving from C++ classes in JavaScript
advanced EM_ASM from em_asm.h
More for reference: