Welcome to Lumeno, a user-friendly web application designed to connect students, tutors, and administrators for seamless study session scheduling, resource sharing, and user management. This platform aims to foster collaboration and enhance access to educational materials.
Backend Repository of Lumeno can be accessed here.
Authentication and Authorization:
- Secure user registration with roles (Student, Tutor, Admin).
- JWT-based authentication for managing sessions securely.
- Social login integration (Google, GitHub) with default student roles.
Dynamic Home Page:
- Professional banner section with an education-focused theme.
- Study sessions displayed with live status (ongoing/closed).
- Detailed session information and seamless booking functionality.
Student Dashboard:
- View and manage booked sessions.
- Create, update, and delete personal notes.
- Access categorized study materials with download and direct-link features.
Tutor Dashboard:
- Create and manage study sessions.
- Upload and manage educational materials for approved sessions.
Admin Dashboard:
- Manage users and update roles.
- Approve/reject tutor-created study sessions with optional pricing.
- Moderate uploaded materials for quality and relevance.
Responsive Design:
- Fully responsive across mobile, tablet, and desktop devices, including dashboards.
Advanced Features:
- Sweet Alert/Toast notifications for CRUD operations and authentication events.
- Role-based access control for secure navigation.
- TanStack Query implementation for efficient data fetching (GET methods).
Secure Configuration:
- Firebase config keys and MongoDB credentials hidden using environment variables.
- Implemented on at least two different pages for improved usability.
Optional Enhancements:
- Axios interceptors for streamlined API communication.
- Public announcement system for admins.
- Classmate visibility feature for students.
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: Lumeno123
Access the live version of the platform here: Live Site Link
Clone the repository:
git clone [GitHub Link]