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$\color{rgb(60,143,201)}{\textsf{Consultant Tracker}}$

Application created to help core team keep track of consultants. Provides visual (gantt chart) representation of worked time, absences, vacations and remaining time for each consultant.

$\color{rgb(107, 187, 242)}{\textsf{Technologies - frontend}}$

TypeScript, React, Vite, MUI, Redux toolkit, npm

$\color{rgb(107, 187, 242)}{\textsf{Starting frontend}}$

  • node version v20.15.0


It is important to set the JWT to accept emails Clerk ⟶ consultant-tracker project ⟶ Configure ⟶ Sessions management ⟶ JWT templates ⟶ New template ⟶ Blank ⟶ name it (consultant-tracker-email) ⟶ in the claims enter the following

    "email_address": "{{user.primary_email_address}}"


If you are going to set up Clerk it is important to restrict only emails for In order to do that go to:

   1. Clerk ⟶ consultant-tracker project ⟶ Configure ⟶ User&Authentication ⟶ Social connections ⟶ Auth providers 
  ⟶ click on cog next to Used for sign-in ⟶ enter Client ID and Client secret from GoogleCloud
   a) pgp-sandbox ⟶ APIs & Services ⟶ Credentials ⟶ Consultant-Tracker ⟶ Client ID
   b) pgp-sandbox ⟶ APIs & Services ⟶ Credentials ⟶ Consultant-Tracker ⟶ click on edit pencil ⟶ Client secret
  • in /frontend folder create .env.local file and add secrets (secrets can be provided by Salt admin). Check Notion Proxy URL on their GitHub:


VITE_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY - you can find it on your Clerk account:

   Clerk ⟶ consultant-tracker project ⟶ Configure ⟶ Developers ⟶ API keys

VITE_BACKEND_URL - you can copy from GoogleCloud

pgp-sandbox ⟶ CloudRun ⟶ consultant-tracker-server (region: europe-north-1)
  • substitute secrets on gitHub with yours
Settings ⟶ Security ⟶ Secrets and variables ⟶ Actions
  • to start project in dev mode you need to enter /frontend folder and run commands:
npm i
npm run dev
  • state is handled using redux-toolkit in order to see actual state in dev mode in the browser install redux devtools

  • before pushing new changes run

npm run build

$\color{rgb(107, 187, 242)}{\textsf{Deployment of frontend}}$

  • deployment file to GoogleCloud is inside workflows build-and-deploy-to-gcp.yml and in frontend/src/nginx.conf (we left also other successful build files we tried as a reference)


If you will need to generate new GCP_SA_KEY you need to enter:

 pgp-sandbox ⟶ Service Accounts ⟶ select second service starting 735..
  ⟶ KEYS ⟶ ADD KEY ⟶  place json on github in GCP_SA_KEY secret

Keep in mind: to access deployed version of consultant-tracker you need to have email and be on the USER_EMAIL or ADMIN_EMAIL list (to add yourself you need to follow second path) on GoogleCloud:

1. pgp-sandbox ⟶ CloudRun ⟶ consultant-tracker-client (region: europe-north-1)

2. pgp-sandbox ⟶ CloudRun ⟶ consultant-tracker-server (region: europe-north-1) 

$\color{rgb(107, 187, 242)}{\textsf{Folder Structure Frontend}}$

│   ├───accordion
│   ├───authentication
│   ├───card-details
│   │   └───tabs
│   ├───consultant-detail
│   │   ├───absence-info
│   │   ├───basic-info
│   │   │   └───header
│   │   │       └───avatar
│   │   ├───client
│   │   ├───personal-data
│   │   └───schedule
│   ├───dashboard
│   │   └───dashboard-header
│   │       └───infographic
│   ├───error
│   ├───filter
│   │   └───multiselect
│   ├───gantt-chart
│   │   ├───legend
│   │   │   └───item-color
│   │   └───timeline-component
│   ├───loading
│   ├───modal-db
│   │   └───progress-bar
│   ├───navbar
│   │   ├───logo
│   │   └───sign-out
│   ├───pagination
│   ├───single-detail-field
│   ├───text-input
│   └───time-item-details
│   └───slices
Folder details

assets - includes images for error pages (404, 401, 403)

accordion - component used for legend above gantt-chart

authentication - component includes logic for Clerk authentication, sets user (needed for correct display of infographics) and provides jwt token. Original token did not include email. In order to include it in Clerk go to dashboard/consultant-tracker/configure ⟶ we created our own JWT template with lifetime of 900 seconds and additional email_address claim. Name of our template is included in constants.ts. Needs to be set and adjusted accordingly for new Clerks account. Token is sent to backend and grants access to user if email extracted from token is included in secret variable 'PT_EMAILS'.

card-details - component implemented from MUI, appears below gantt-chart when clicking consultants name or time item. Currently displays 4 tabs that are defined in constants.ts (can be expanded if needed).

dashboard - main component that includes all other parts of the page. Includes infographics component that represents numerical statistics for PT. If logged in person does not have any consultants, only two infographics are shown.

error - component used for displaying errors.

filter - component visible between infographics and gantt chart. Offers 3 different options to filter: by consultants name, multiple responsiblePTs and multiple clients. Option to clear filters and include people in PGP. Data for PGP on gantt chart are not as accurate due to registering only certain activity.

gantt-chart - component based on react-calendar-timeline library(lack of different alternatives) library is not supported anymore therefore while installing dependencies might appear alert about vulnerabilities. Full documentation regarding library can be found here. Item renderers and group renderers have been implemented in order to customize style and functionality of elements. (Salt has currently 4 consultants from Norway) method responsible is used in utils.ts ⟶ verticalLineClassNamesForTime Gantt-chart has 4 different views monthly, weekly, daily, hourly. Change can be obtained by clicking two top bars indicating period of time. Weekly view shows additional vertical indicators for weekends and redDays (Sweden and Norway).

loading - component displayed during fetching of data it implements animation from lotties(details below)

modal-db - component created for admin button that populated db, it prevents from accidental clicking and displays integral component progress bar. Modal cannot be exited until process is successful or ends with error. Designed that way to not interrupt with accidental clicking.

navbar - contains salt logo originally application was supposed to have subpages and click on logo was redirecting to home page. Application was developed using next.js however we migrated to vite and decided to make intuitive interface and easy to use for end user.

pagination - component displayed in order to show amount of records provides by default 5 results per page but offers also 10 and 25, can be easily adjusted by adding value of choice to rowsPerPageOptions.


consultant-details - component is connected to card-details as it holds content of the tabs.

store - state is managed using redux toolkit. Keep in mind: in few cases related to react-calendar-timeline we were forces to use type any. It should be adjusted in the future if possible. It took really long time to try to fix it in order to build project. Unfortunately the resul was unsuccessful.

utils- contains colors for gantt chart and mapping for groups and time items for gantt-chart as well as previously mentioned method to distinct redDays and weekends.

$\color{rgb(107, 187, 242)}{\textsf{Technologies - backend}}$

Java, Spring Boot, Lombok, Spring Security, Maven, Docker.

Swagger (OpenAPI documentation) can be found here.

$\color{rgb(107, 187, 242)}{\textsf{Starting backend}}$

  • java version 21.0.4
  • create secret.yml in backend/main/resources and add secrets (secrets can be provided by Salt admin):


ISSUER_URI and JWT you can find on your Clerk account:

   1.Clerk ⟶ consultant-tracker project ⟶ Configure ⟶ User&Authentication ⟶ Social connections 
   ⟶ click on Google cog icon ⟶ copy base url without v1/oauth_callback
   2.Clerk ⟶ consultant-tracker project ⟶ Configure ⟶ Session management ⟶ JWT templates ⟶ Issuer input
  • substitute secrets on GoogleCloud with yours:
 pgp-sandbox ⟶ CloudRun ⟶ consultant-tracker-server (region: europe-north-1)
   ⟶ Edit & Deploy New Revision ⟶ VARIABLES & SECRETS
  • before you start application don't forget to run docker. Enter /backend folder and run command:
 docker compose up
  • to run application in demo mode select BackendApplication in the toolbar and Edit configuration. Type "demo" in Active profiles input and start

  • before pushing new changes build application and make sure all tests are passing

    mvn clean package 

$\color{rgb(107, 187, 242)}{\textsf{Deployment of backend}}$

  • by default trigger is disabled, to run deployment or enable trigger you need to go to:
 pgp-sandbox ⟶ CloudRun ⟶ consultant-tracker-server (region: europe-north-1)
   ⟶ Build History ⟶ Triggers ⟶ rmgpgab-consultant-tracker-server-europe-north1-salt-communiyqz ⟶ 
   RUN (if you want to deploy manually) or ENABLE to deploy with every push to main branch)

$\color{rgb(107, 187, 242)}{\textsf{Folder Structure Backend}}$

│   └───salt
│       └───consultanttracker
│           └───api
│               ├───client
│               │   ├───nager
│               │   │   └───dto
│               │   ├───notion
│               │   │   └───dtos
│               │   └───timekeeper
│               │       └───dto
│               ├───config
│               ├───consultant
│               │   └───dto
│               ├───demo
│               ├───exceptions
│               ├───meetings
│               │   └───dto
│               ├───messages
│               ├───notification
│               ├───populatedb
│               ├───reddays
│               │   └───dto
│               ├───registeredtime
│               │   └───dto
│               ├───responsiblept
│               ├───tag
│               ├───timechunks
│               └───utils

Folder details

client - nager ⟶ fetching red days for Sweden and Norway (currently Salt has still 4 developers from Norawy). Red days are being fetch to correctly calculate remaining time for each consultant. We fetch from 2018 till now + 1 year. It is scheduled to run every year 1 January.

client - notion ⟶

$\color{rgb(107, 187, 242)}{\textsf{Future features}}$

  • scheduled meetings notification system
  • custom color picker for gantt-chart from legend level
  • integration with Lucca


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