Duration: 2 Day Sprint
I created a movie app over a weekend. This app displays all of the current films in the database including: title, poster URL, description and genre. The user can select a movie poster to see more details about the selected movie. There is also a form that allows the user to add a new film which will be displayed on the page upon successful completion of the form.
- Node.js
Visit the fully deployed app here (will add soon)
Or, run it locally:
- Clone this repository from Github
- Create a database titled "saga_movies_weekend" and create the three tables using the initializer data found in database.sql
- Run npm install in your terminal to download the necessary modules
- Run npm run client to start React
- In a separate terminal, run npm run server to start the server
- Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the project!
How does someone use this application? Tell a user story here.
- View movies currently in the database
- Click on a movie poster to get more detailed information
- Add a new movie to the database using the "Add Movie" form
- Check out the movie list to see the recently added movie!
- React
- React-Redux
- Redux-Saga
- Material UI (MUI)
- Express.js
- Node.js
- PostgreSQL
- Axios
Thanks to Prime Digital Academy who equipped me with the skills needed to make this application a reality.
If you have suggestions or issues, please email me at [email protected]