Over the last decade or more I have been working with all things geospatial. From building applications to teaching, training and acting as a translator at large for technology needs. A Google Developer Expert for Google Earth Engine and Senior Product Manager at MAXAR, I lead Developer Relations and champion open data access apart from working on core APIs and infrastructure.
I created the Awesome Google Earth Engine Community Catalog, a thriving data commons welcoming over half a million monthly visits from over 160+ countries. I leverage geospatial expertise as an affiliate Faculty at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and I am a Designated Campus Colleague at the University of Arizona. Passionate about community building, My research explores big data analysis and geospatial applications, while I advocate for science communication and empower researchers through collaborative platforms and speaking engagements.
- How ClimateEngine.org and Awesome GEE Community Catalog are Expanding Open Geospatial Commons
- Behind the Scenes: The Role of NSF’s Jetstream2 in Building the Awesome GEE Community Catalog
- From Paper to Pixels- Rediscovering Historical USGS Topo Maps in the Google Earth Engine Community…
- Community-Enhanced: Google Earth Engine Community Catalog Upgrades
- Google Cloud Projects and Earth Engine Integration in Universities: A Practical Guide
Google Earth Engine: awesome-gee-community-catalog | geeadd: Earth Engine Batch Asset Manager & addons | ee-appshot: Snapshot of Earth Engine Apps | geeup: Simple CLI for Earth Engine Uploads | cogee: Simple CLI for COG registration in GEE | Earth Engine dataset list |
Open Oceans tools: pycoral: Simple CLI for Allen Coral Atlas | pyspotter: Simple CLI for SofarOcean API for spotters | pyaqua: Simple Command Line Interface Tool for Aqualink.org API | argofloats: Simple CLI for ArgoVis and Argofloats | gfw: Simple CLI for Global Fishing Watch Data
Science platform tools : appeears: Simple CLI for NASA AppEEARS API | geneutils: NCBI Blast hit tools | pynative: Simple CLI for native-land.ca | ArcticDEM: Batch search and download tools
Standalone tools : nsfsearch: NSF award search tool | spotifind: Spotify tool to generate playlists | imgurfy: Simple CLI for Imgur | pydrop: Simple client for digital ocean | ghome: Simple CLI for Google Home & Mini
If you find my work useful buy me a cup of tea to make these efforts more sustainable. Use the donate or sponsor buttons, I am happy to have you as a sponsor of my work
⚡ Recent GitHub Activity
- 🚀 Published release Community Catalog in samapriya/awesome-gee-community-datasets
- 🗣 Commented on #329 in samapriya/awesome-gee-community-datasets
- 🗣 Commented on #331 in samapriya/awesome-gee-community-datasets
- 🔒 Closed issue #331 in samapriya/awesome-gee-community-datasets
- 💪 Opened PR #1297 in google/earthengine-catalog