A simple plugin that automatically generates GUI for smartcontracts
This plugin will help you quickly test smartcontracts by locally creating a website in viteJs so you can interact with it. You will have access to all your functions and a toolkit to impersonate accounts on the go or receive ERC20.
pnpm i hardhat-gui-baker
yarn add hardhat-gui-baker
npm install hardhat-gui-baker
Import the plugin in your hardhat.config.js
Or if you are using TypeScript, in your hardhat.config.ts
import "hardhat-gui-baker";
This plugin adds the gui-baker task to Hardhat:
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] gui-baker [--opt-port <STRING>] [--show-logs]
--opt-port Optional : Wich port will be used to expose the GUI
--show-logs Show logs
gui-baker: Create a simple Gui to test your smartcontracts
(Remember to log the deployed contract address in your deployment script, you will need to provide it in the GUI)
lanch your node :
npm hardhat node
deploy your smartcontract :
npm hardhat run pathToYourDeployementScript.ts
bake your GUI :
npm hardhat gui-baker
enjoy your bakery on (defalut) : https://localhost:4157
You will need to connect your wallet and be able to interact with your contract, that's it!
A configuration page will soon be added so that you will have to possibility to add all contract addresses only once.
Switch from ethers to viem.sh.
Basic rpc tools to change the BlockTime, BlockNumber...
Integration of Hardhat network tools like impersonating accounts, resetting the node...
Thanks to gdupont and Solal Dunckel