This is a 3D hexagon plane generator. You may input the size, segment, rotation and texture fitting strategy.
It will finally generate a set of vertices (3D coord), with origin at [0,0,0]
npm install hexagon-geo --save
We use three.js as the 3D rendering library for this example.
import hexagonGeoGenerator from 'hexagon-geo';
const HEX_SIZE = 10;
const HEX_SEGMENT = 3;
export default class HexagonGeo extends THREE.BufferGeometry {
let {vertices, indices, uvs, invertedIndices, normals} = hexagonGeoGenerator(HEX_SIZE, HEX_SEGMENT);
this.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vertices), 3));
this.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(normals), 3));
this.setAttribute('uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(uvs), 2));
You may rotate the hexagon to get vertical hexagon or whatever you want.
hexagonGeoGenerator(HEX_SIZE, HEX_SEGMENT, Math.PI/4);
There are three strategy for texture fitting (UVs).
hexagonGeoGenerator(HEX_SIZE, HEX_SEGMENT, 0, "COVER"); // Default
hexagonGeoGenerator(HEX_SIZE, HEX_SEGMENT, 0, "CONTAIN");
hexagonGeoGenerator(HEX_SIZE, HEX_SEGMENT, 0, "FILL");
You may figure out that the texture won't follow the rotation, as we rotate the hexagon before calculate the UVs. If you wish to achieve other effect, you may rotate it afterward as the Advance Usage.
hexagonGeoGenerator(HEX_SIZE, HEX_SEGMENT, Math.PI/4);
Param | Type | Description | Default |
size | number | Edge length of the hexagon | 10 |
segment | integer | The level of subdivision | 1 |
rotateAngle | number | Rotation | 0 |
textureFit | string | Texture fitting strategy, COVER , CONTAIN or FILL only |
Returns | Type | Description |
vertices | number[] | The 3D coord of vertices |
indices | integer[] | The index of front faces |
invertIndices | integer[] | The index of back faces |
normals | number[] | Normals |
uvs | number[] | UVs for texture mapping |
Param | Type | Description |
vertices | number[] | The 3D coord of vertices, which will be manipulated |
angle | number | Rotation angle in radian |
Param | Type | Description |
vertices | number[] | The 3D coord of vertices |
textureFit | string | Texture fitting strategy, COVER , CONTAIN or FILL only |
Param | Type | Description |
indices | number[] | The indexing of vertices for faces |
You may rotate the hexagon to achieve other texture pattern.
import hexagonGeoGenerator, {rotateAll} from 'hexagon-geo';
let {vertices, indices, uvs, normals} = hexagonGeoGenerator(HEX_SIZE, HEX_SEGMENT, -Math.PI/7);
rotateAll(vertices, Math.PI/7);
Although it designed for 3D plane, it also can be used for 2D.
const OFFSET = [150,150];
let {vertices, indices} = hexagonGeoGenerator(120, 3);
for (let i=0; i<indices.length; i+=3){
let points = [indices[i], indices[i+1], indices[i+2]]; // 3 point for a triangle
points = pointIndex => [
vertices[pointIndex*3] + OFFSET[0], // x
vertices[pointIndex*3+1] + OFFSET[1] // y
points.forEach(point => ctx.lineTo(...point))
ctx.fillStyle = i%6===0? '#fff' : '#000';
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