This plugin can be used to provide an OkHTTP3 interceptor (may be as part of a library), and used by an Android app without explicitly adding it when building the OkHTTP client. All that is required is applying this Gradle plugin. This is particularly useful for interceptors intended for purposes such as debugging, which are not core components of the application.
import okhttp3.Interceptor
import okhttp3.Response
class NetworkInterceptor: Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
val request = chain.request()
// your logic here...
return response
Specify interceptor in the app or library gradle file (if not present, no instrumentation will be applied)
interceptor {
targetClassName = ""
plugins {
id("") version "<release>"
The interceptor will be applied automatically.
This gradle plugin is adopted from Sentry Android Gradle Plugin which provides interceptor functionality using ASM bytecode manipulation framework (same technology used by Embrace, for example.)