What’s Changed
- JVM 8 Bytecode (#12) @nickhudkins
Full changelog
- check formatting (#25) @yanns
- 🎉 Use sbt-scalafmt (#22) @sh0hei
- Update sbt-release to 1.0.13 (#14) @scala-steward
- check binary compatibility (#24) @yanns
- Update sbt-mima-plugin to 0.6.4 (#16) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.4.6 (#20) @scala-steward
- use github actions (#23) @yanns
- Update sbt to 1.4.5 (#19) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.3.13 (#11) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-pgp to 2.0.2 (#13) @scala-steward
- automate release notes (#6) @yanns
- automate release notes (#5) @yanns
- back to sangria-graphql (#4) @yanns