Sometimes using camel case is not O.K. in codeigniter So, I did change the camelCase ZarinPal
to this name Zarinpal
And there's a method called errorText( $errorNumber )
This method will return error text based on error code
$error = $this->zarinpal->errorText($errorNumber);
Codeigniter 3.x library for ZarinPal payment gateway
##how to install
Copy ZarinPal.php
to application/libraries
of your project.
##how to use First, load library:
For sending user to gateway:
$this->zarinpal->request($merchantId , $amount, $desc, $callback, $mobile, $email);
Full code is:
if ($this->zarinpal->request($merchantId, $amount, $desc, $callback, $mobile, $email)) {
$authority = $this->zarinpal->getAuthority();
// do database
} else {
$error = $this->zarinpal->getError();
For verify user payment:
$this->zarinpal->verify($merchantId, $amount, $authority);
Full code is:
if ($_GET['Status'] == 'OK') {
if ($this->zarinpal->verify($merchantId , $amount, $authority)) {
$refId = $this->zarinpal->getRefId();
// do database
} else {
$error = $this->zarinpal->getError();
} else {
// transaction canceled by user
##Sandbox To turn on sandbox mode: