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Clone of "".
This website, ("Site", “Website”) is owned and operated by Trendsutra Platform Services Private Limited . This is our first team collaboration project at Full Stack-development in Masai School Project.
Team Members:
Minal Kumari Preeti Kumari vishal Gupta Abhay V Sanjay Sahu
Tools & Technology Used: HTML CSS JavaScript JS-DOM Manipulation JSON Local Storage VS Code editor About Our Project :
Our project is a clone of a, where we can purchase home decor and all furniture products .
Guide to Project:
In the Home page Navbar is there for navigating to all the pages . The Navigation Bar contains a mega Drop-Down from which one can select a particular Category to purchase. After selecting a particular categories , it takes us to a new page where the user will be able to see lots of products and we can filter the products on the basis of their category. After selecting a product User can see the detail information about the product and can add it to the cart if he or she find any particular product of his or her Credit:interest.
There is also a Log-in functonality where user can sign up by using 10 digit mobile number,after putting mobile number then redirecting upto information page where user can fill there details , that details gonna saved in the local storage . So this is basically our project. We were five members in the team and we completed the whole project in the construct week.
All the resources which are used in the project either we fetch those from main website or we take from google. All the resources are belongs to their respective owners. We don't have anykind of ownership over any resources. All images are taken from, google images, or are only for educational and learning puropose. All icons and fonts taken from open sources from google search. We have no copyrights over images, icons or fonts.
Home Page and Furniture Page:- Minal Kumari
Admin Page and Become a frenchessies Page:- Abhay V
Contact Page:- Preeti Kumari
Login & Sign Up, Footer and Sell on Pepperfry Page:- Vishal Gupta
Header and Product Page:- Sanjay Sahu