🚀🚀🚀 lemon-template-vue is built using the latest technologies, including Vue 3.5
, Vite 6
, Vant 4
, Pinia
, TypeScript
, and UnoCSS
. It integrates features like Dark Mode
, system theme colors, and Mock data.
You can directly start developing your business logic on this template! Hope you enjoy it. 👋👋👋
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👓 Click Demo (Switch to mobile view on PC browsers)
- lemon-template-react - A mobile web apps template based on the React ecosystem
- lemon-template-uniapp - An mobile web apps template based on the UniApp ecosystem
- ⚡️ Developed with Vue 3.5 + TypeScript using <script setup> single-file components
- ✨ Uses Vite 6 as the development and build tool (includes Gzip packaging, TSX syntax, proxy support, etc.)
- 🍕 Fully integrates TypeScript
- 🍍 Replaces Vuex with Pinia, offering lightweight and easy-to-use state management, with Pinia persistence plugin integrated
- 📦 Automatic component loading
- 🎨 Vant 4 component library
- 🌀 UnoCSS for instant atomic CSS
- 👏 Integrates multiple icon solutions
- 🌓 Supports Dark Mode
- 🌍 Multi-language support with i18n
- 🔥 ECharts for data visualization, with useECharts Hooks
- ⚙️ Unit testing using Vitest
- ☁️ Axios encapsulation
- 💾 Local Mock data support
- 📱 Browser compatibility with viewport vw/vh units for layouts
- 📥 Gzip compression for packaged resources
- 🛡️ Splash screen animation for first load
- 💪 Eslint for code linting, with Prettier for formatting
- 🌈 Uses simple-git-hooks, lint-staged, and commitlint for commit message standards
Familiarity with the following concepts will help you use this template effectively:
- Vue 3 - Basic syntax of
Vue 3
- Vite - Features of
- Pinia - Features of
- TypeScript - Basic syntax of
- Vue Router - Basic usage of
Vue Router
- Icones - Recommended icon library for this project
- UnoCSS - High-performance, flexible atomic CSS engine
- Vant - Mobile Vue component library
- ECharts 5 - Basic usage of
- Mock.js - Basic syntax of
- ES6+ - Basic syntax of
Ensure the following tools are installed locally: Pnpm, Node.js, and Git.
- Use pnpm >= 8.15.4 to avoid dependency installation and build errors.
- Node.js version
or above is required. Recommended:^18.18.0 || >=20.0.0
If you use VSCode (recommended), install the following extensions for improved efficiency and code formatting:
- Vue - Official - Essential for Vue development
- UnoCSS - UnoCSS support
- DotENV -
file highlighting - Error Lens - Better error visualization
- EditorConfig for VS Code - Maintain consistent coding styles across IDEs
- ESLint - Script linting
- i18n Ally - All-in-one i18n support
- JavaScript and TypeScript VSCode Snippets - JS and TS snippets
- Vue Collection VSCode Snippets - Vue 2/3 snippets
In development
Use this template to create a repository
# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/sankeyangshu/lemon-template-vue.git
# Enter the project directory
cd lemon-template-vue
# Install dependencies (use pnpm)
pnpm install
# Start the development server
pnpm dev
# Build for production
pnpm build
The project enforces Git commit messages using simple-git-hooks
and commitlint
, adhering to the widely adopted Angular guidelines.
: Add new featuresfix
: Fix bugsdocs
: Documentation changesstyle
: Code formatting (does not affect functionality, e.g., spacing, semicolons, etc.)refactor
: Code refactoring (neither bug fixes nor new features)perf
: Performance optimizationstest
: Add or update test casesbuild
: Changes to build process or external dependencies (e.g., updating npm packages, modifying webpack configuration)ci
: Changes to CI configuration or scriptschore
: Changes to build tools or auxiliary libraries (does not affect source files or tests)revert
: Revert a previous commit
You can use issues to report problems or submit a Pull Request.
- For local development, we recommend using the latest version of Chrome. Download.
- The production environment supports modern browsers. IE is no longer supported. For more details on browser support, check Can I Use ES Module.
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![]() Firefox |
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![]() Safari |
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MIT License © 2023-PRESENT sankeyangshu