A light, warm, modern theme inspired by the combined color palettes of the films Her by Spike Jonze and Paris, Texas by Wim Wenders. Designed with equal focus on readability and coziness.
This is a work-in-progress. Feel free to submit PRs, but please include before and after screenshots of proposed changes.
You can install using straight with,
(use-package os1-theme
:straight (:type git :host github :repo "sashimacs/os1-theme")
:defer nil
:config (load-theme 'os1 t))
Or you can install using quelpa with,
;; Install and load `quelpa-use-package'.
(package-install 'quelpa-use-package)
(require 'quelpa-use-package)
;; Install OS1.
(use-package os1-theme
:quelpa (os1-theme :fetcher github :repo "sashimacs/os1-theme"))
OS1 supports the following customization options, many based on the great Solarized for Emacs:
;; The amount of padding, in pixels, to add around the modeline.
;; In the previews here, this is set to `8’, but its default is `1’.
(setq os1-modeline-padding 1)
;; Whether or not to use variable-spaced fonts in some faces.
;; See `variable-pitch’ face for more info.
(setq os1-use-variable-pitch t)
;; Use bold weight less often. Default is `nil’.
(setq os1-use-less-bold t)
;; Prefer semibold over bold for emphasis. Default is `nil’.
(setq os1-prefer-semibold t)
;; Use italic slant more often. Default is `nil’.
(setq os1-use-more-italic t)
;; Font size -1.
(setq os1-height-minus-1 0.8)
;; Font size +1.
(setq os1-height-plus-1 1.1)
;; Font size +2.
(setq os1-height-plus-2 1.15)
;; Font size +3.
(setq os1-height-plus-3 1.2)
;; Font size +4.
(setq os1-height-plus-4 1.3)
These options must be set before loading. You can also use for example :custom (os1-modeline-padding 8)
in your use-package declarations to customize the theme before loading.