- created react app
- configured tailwind css
- Header
- Routing of app
- Login form
- Signup form
- Form validation
- useRef() hook
- firebase setup
- deploying app to firebase
- create signup user account
- implement signin user API
- created redux store with userSlice
- implemented signout
- update profile api call
- bug fix - signup user display name and profile picture update
- bug fix- only login user can access browse page
- unsubscribe to onAuthStateChange callback
- added haed coded values to constant file
- registered for tmdb api and get access token
- get data from tnmb now playign movies list API
- created custom hook for now playing movies
- updated store with movies data
- created movie slice
- planning for main container and secondary container
- fetched data for trailer video
- update store with trailer video data
- embedded youtube video and make it auto play and mute
- added tailwind classes to make main container look good
- built secondary component
- built movielist and moviecard
- made the ui look good with tailwind css
- created custom hooks
- built GPT search feature
- GPT search page
- GPT searchbar
- built multi-language-feature
- Integerate GPT API's
- fetched gpt movie suggestions from tmdb api
- built gpt movie suggestions page
- created gpt slice and added data
- implemented memoization for trailer video, now playing movies, popular movies....
- adding .env file
- made site responsive
- login or signup
- signup or signin page
- redirects you to the browser page
- Browser(after authentication)
- header
- main Movie
- trailer
- title and description
- movie suggestions
- movielist
- netflix gpt
- search bar
- movie suggestions