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Repository files navigation - this script is the main script. It manages the ~/src/savvato.yaml file.
		. (single period) -
			sets the current project to the project defined in the current directory
        run -
            runs the current frontend project (if set) and all the backend dependencies as described in savvato.yaml
		show -
			returns a list of info about the current environment, current project, 
			whether the current project is frontend or backend,
			and the IP addresses being used.
        i-092537182637236 - Set the instance ID for the desired EC2 instance.
		(ip address) -
			if a backend project is current, it will set the IP address for
			that project to the given IP.
		(project name) -
			sets the current project to the given project name
		dev | staging | prod -
			sets the current environment to dev, staging or prod - one command to send the frontend or backend to the appropriate environment

    bring up the staging environment for your frontend app

    shut down the staging environment for your frontend app

    ssh into the current backend project's ec2 instance - this script is for backend. It updates the inventory.yaml to refer the IP of the current
		project. Then it runs the ansible playbook for that project. This updates the cloud EC2
		instance with the most recently built Sprint Boot JAR. - This script does a complete clean build and deploy of the current project.

-- - this script is for frontend. It updates the environment.ts file with the IP addresses
		of the backend services this project depends on. It then does a clean build, and copies 
		its files to an S3 bucket. The frontend is then available from that bucket.

        No longer necessry because we use domain names for the backend dependencies, rather than potentially changing IP addresses. When the IP addresses do change, we update the domain name.

There is a clean base instance of EC2, an AWS Launch Template, called savvato-backend-api at:

Start a copy of that up, and run the project-local ansible against it. This creates your running backend server instance. You can run to do this.

But to create the clean base instance, set the ip address in inventory-generic.yaml

ansible-playbook -i inventory-generic.yaml -u ubuntu --private-key /home/jjames/Downloads/ec2keypair1.pem playbook-generic.yaml

TODO, write a script to do that.


./bin/environmental has scripts to bring staging up and down.

Write more about that later.


Scripts used to make our lives easier.






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