Implementation of a console-based social networking application (similar to Twitter)
At this project Microsoft Graph Engine is used
Graph Engine = RAM Store + Computation Engine + Graph Model Graph Engine (GE) is a distributed, in-memory, large graph processing engine, underpinned by a strongly-typed RAM store and a general computation engine.
The distributed RAM store provides a globally addressable high-performance key-value store over a cluster of machines. Through the RAM store, GE enables the fast random data access power over a large distributed data set.
The capability of fast data exploration and distributed parallel computing makes GE a natural large graph processing platform. GE supports both low-latency online query processing and high-throughput offline analytics on billion-node large graphs.
Details of the commands
posting: (user name) -> (message)
reading: (user name)
following: (user name) follows (another user)
wall: (user name) wall
Scenarios Posting: Alice can publish messages to a personal timeline
Alice -> I love the weather today
Bob -> Damn! We lost!
Bob -> Good game though.
Reading: Bob can view Alice’s timeline
I love the weather today (5 minutes ago)
Good game though. (1 minute ago)
Damn! We lost! (2 minutes ago)
Following: Charlie can subscribe to Alice’s and Bob’s timelines, and view an aggregated list of all subscriptions
Charlie -> I'm in New York today! Anyone want to have a coffee?
Charlie follows Alice
Charlie wall
Charlie - I'm in New York today! Anyone want to have a coffee? (2 seconds ago)
Alice - I love the weather today (5 minutes ago)
Charlie follows Bob
Charlie wall
Charlie - I'm in New York today! Anyone wants to have a coffee? (15 seconds ago)
Bob - Good game though. (1 minute ago)
Bob - Damn! We lost! (2 minutes ago)
Alice - I love the weather today (5 minutes ago)