SFML but better. OpenGL 4, GLFW
https://github.com/Chman/Glfw.Net https://github.com/luca-piccioni/OpenGL.Net
- Automatic OpenGL context creation from 4.6 down to 4.0
- Textures, RenderTextures
- Vertex arrays
- Shaders
- Framebuffers
- 2D and 3D meshes
- Cameras
- Terrain, 3D mesh from heightmap
- Basic drawing library (filled and outline [with thickness])
- Lines
- Sprites
- Tile maps
- Text
- Signed distance field
- Classic font atlas
- Loading glyphs with Freetype?
- Basic drawing library (filled and outline [with thickness])
- Circles
- Rectangles
- Ellipses
- Curves (quadratic, bézier)
- Scissoring
- Stencil buffer
- Command buffers
- Examples