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Security: scorpion/openlemmy



You must never report security related issues, vulnerabilities or bugs including sensitive information to the issue tracker, or elsewhere in public. Instead sensitive bugs must be sent by email to [email protected].

Dependency Updates

Dependabot Docs

Please see the .github/dependabot.yml for configuration.

It's set to check daily if there is an upstream update and creates a pull request with the latest version.

Updating Terraform

  1. Go to the Pull Requests of this repo.
  2. Merge open dependabot pull requests into the dev branch.
  3. Switch to your local dev computer.
  4. Fetch upstream git updates. Make sure you are on the dev branch.
  5. Open a terminal into the terraform directory and run the following command.
terraform init -upgrade
terraform plan
  1. Test to ensure terraform is able to function properly.
  2. Merge the dev branch into main

Secrets Management


There aren’t any published security advisories