Since all our projects use docker compose as a way to develop and release our projects a natural reverse proxy to use is traefik.
This repo allows you to
git clone [email protected]:scriptcie/traefik.git
docker network create traefik-proxy
Inspired by:
Run mkcert
for your local certificates,
mkcert -cert-file data/certs/local-cert.pem -key-file data/certs/local-key.pem "localhost" "*.localhost" "docker.localhost" "*.docker.localhost" "domain.local" "*.domain.local" "traefik.localhost" "*"
traefik master ✗ mkcert -cert-file certs/local-cert.pem -key-file certs/local-key.pem "localhost" "*.localhost" "docker.localhost" "*.docker.localhost" "domain.local" "*.domain.local"
Created a new certificate valid for the following names 📜
- "localhost"
- "*.localhost"
Warning: many browsers don't support second-level wildcards like "*.localhost" ⚠️
- "docker.localhost"
- "*.docker.localhost"
- "domain.local"
- "*.domain.local"
Reminder: X.509 wildcards only go one level deep, so this won't match a.b.localhost ℹ️
The certificate is at "certs/local-cert.pem" and the key at "certs/local-key.pem" ✅
It will expire on 2 June 2026 🗓
docker compose up -d traefik
Go to and sign in with:
Username: scriptcie
Password: hoi
change these credentials by chaning the traefik.http.middlewares.auth.basicauth.users
key in docker-compose.yml
echo $(htpasswd -nb user password) | sed -e s/\\$/\\$\\$/g
** Check logs
docker compose logs traefik -t -f --tail=100