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Compatible with ODTP v0.5.x Open in Spaces


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git clone --recurse-submodules

This pipeline processes a .wav or mp4 media file by detecting the number of speakers present in the recording using For each detected speaker segment, it employs OpenAI's Whisper model to transcribe or translate the speech individually. This approach ensures accurate and speaker-specific transcriptions or translations, providing a clear understanding of who said what throughout the audio.

Note: This application utilizes and OpenAI's Whisper model. You must accept the terms of use on Hugging Face for the pyannote/segmentation and pyannote/speaker-diarization models before using this application.

After accepting these terms and conditions for those models. You can obtain you HuggingFace API Key to allow the access to these models:

This token should be provided to the component via the ENV variables or by the corresponding text field in the web app interface (Here).

Table of Contents

Tools Information

Tool Version Commit Hash Documentation
OpenAI Whisper Latest Commit History Whisper Documentation Latest Commit History Documentation

How to add this component to your ODTP instance

This component can be run directly with Docker, however it is designed to be run with ODTP. In order to add this component to your ODTP CLI, you can use. If you want to use the component directly, please refer to the docker section.

odtp new odtp-component-entry \
--name odtp-pyannote-whisper \
--component-version v0.1.1 \

Data sheet


Parameter Description Type Required Default Value Possible Values Constraints
MODEL Whisper model to use for transcription or translation String Yes large-v3 tiny, base, small, medium, large, large-v2, large-v3 Must be a valid Whisper model name
TASK Task to perform on the audio input String Yes transcribe transcribe, translate Must be transcribe or translate
LANGUAGE Source language code for the audio input String No auto auto, en, es, fr, de, it, pt, nl, ja, zh, ru Must be a supported language code
INPUT_FILE Path to the input .wav audio file String Yes N/A Any valid file path to a .wav file File must exist and be accessible
OUTPUT_FILE Base name for the output files (without extension) String Yes output Any valid file name Should not contain invalid characters


Secret Name Description Type Required Default Value Constraints Notes
HF_TOKEN Hugging Face API token for model access String Yes None Valid API Token Obtain from your Hugging Face account settings

Input Files

File/Folder Description File Type Required Format Notes
INPUT_FILE Input audio file for processing .wav Yes WAV format Path specified by INPUT_FILE parameter

Output Files

File/Folder Description File Type Contents Usage Transcribed subtitles in SRT format .srt Transcribed text with timings Use with video players to display subtitles
OUTPUT_FILE.json Transcription data in JSON format .json Detailed transcription data For programmatic access and data analysis


How to run this component as docker

Build the dockerfile.

docker build -t odtp-pyannote-whisper .

Then create .env file similar to .env.dist and fill the variables values. Like on this example:


Then create 3 folders:

  • odtp-input, where your input data should be located.
  • odtp-output, where your output data will be stored.
  • odtp-logs, where the logs will be shared.

After this, you can run the following command and the pipeline will execute.

docker run -it --rm \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_INPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-input \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_OUTPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-output \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_LOGS_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-logs \
--env-file .env \

Development Mode

To run the component in development mode, mount the app folder inside the container:

docker run -it --rm \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_INPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-input \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_OUTPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-output \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_LOGS_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-logs \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_APP_FOLDER}:/odtp/app \
--env-file .env odtp-pyannote-whisper

Running with GPU

To run the component with GPU support, use the following command:

docker run -it --rm \
--gpus all \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_INPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-input \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_OUTPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-output \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_LOGS_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-logs \
--env-file .env odtp-pyannote-whisper

On Windowss this is the command to execute.

docker run -it --rm `
--gpus all `
-v ${PWD}/odtp-input:/odtp/odtp-input `
-v ${PWD}/odtp-output:/odtp/odtp-output `
-v ${PWD}/odtp-logs:/odtp/odtp-logs `
--env-file .env odtp-pyannote-whisper

Running in API Mode

To run the component in API mode and expose a port, you need to use the following environment variables:

ODTP_GRADIO_SHARE=FALSE #Only if you want to share the app via the gradio tunneling

After the configuration, you can run:

docker run -it --rm \
-p 7860:7860 \
--env-file .env \

And access to the web interface on localhost:7860 in your browser.

Credits and references

This component has been created using the odtp-component-template v0.5.0.

The development of this repository has been realized by SDSC.