Jarvis Discord Bot written in JavaScript using Discord.js
Check out the Wiki for some walkthrough's of my code!
Command Name | Key |
Hello Jarvis | Jarvis says hello! |
Thanks, Jarvis | Jarvis responds! |
SALT | Displays a random salt gif |
WRECKED | displays a random wrecked gif |
!FANTASY | Displays a class fantasy gif |
!ARTIFACT | Links to the artifact calculation guide |
!SHAME | displays the shame gif |
!LEXICON | links the current legion leveling guides |
!WOWPROGRESS | Links to wowprogress and checks EPs current server ranking |
!WARCRAFTLOGS | Links to the WCL page for EP |
!INVITE | generates an invite link |
!PIPELINE | generates the link to the video pipeline file |
!ARTIFACT | Links to the artifact calculator |
!EN | Links to the Emerald Nightmare quick Guide |
!CODEC | Links to the document that describes export codecs |
!STAYCLASSY | Lists the classes the guild still needs for the achievement |
!CODE | links to this repo |
!ISSUE | links to the issue page on the repo |
!CHEATSHEET | Links the Mythc Dungeon Cheat Sheet |
!BISLIST | Links the BiS Pre-Raid Calculator |
!ADDONS | Links to Legion-made addon list |
!PINNED [-P] | Gets all Pinned messages in the channel and PMs them to you. Add -P to make it public in the current channel |
!ROSTER | links to the guild roster |
!LORE | displays a random lore image |
!BOSS BOSSNAME | links to the boss kill video if in the database |
!VIDEO VIDEONAME | links to the video if in the database |
!ADDROLE ROLENAME | adds the given role to the user |
!REMOVEROLE ROLENAME | removes the given role from the user |
!SAY CHANNELNAME MESSAGE STRING HERE | has jarvis say whatever you want in the given channel |
!GUIDE CLASS SPEC | links to the guide if it exists in the database |
!ARTIFACT CLASS SPEC | links to the artifact if it exists in the database |
!WA QUERY | links to the WAGO.IO category based on the query |
!SERVER QUERY | links to the discord server based on the query |
!RANKING PLAYERNAME BOSSNAME [-H or -T] | queries WCL for rankings on the given boss for the given player for their specific class/spec (-H = Healing or -T = Tanking) |
!ARMORY CHARNAME MYTHICS | gets mythic dungeon count for the character |
!HELP | DISPLAYS COMMAND LIST. Also can try ?COMMANDNAME to get specific help |