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Jarvis Discord Bot written in JavaScript using Discord.js

Check out the Wiki for some walkthrough's of my code!


Command Name Key
Hello Jarvis Jarvis says hello!
Thanks, Jarvis Jarvis responds!
SALT Displays a random salt gif
WRECKED displays a random wrecked gif
!FANTASY Displays a class fantasy gif
!ARTIFACT Links to the artifact calculation guide
!SHAME displays the shame gif
!LEXICON links the current legion leveling guides
!WOWPROGRESS Links to wowprogress and checks EPs current server ranking
!WARCRAFTLOGS Links to the WCL page for EP
!INVITE generates an invite link
!PIPELINE generates the link to the video pipeline file
!ARTIFACT Links to the artifact calculator
!EN Links to the Emerald Nightmare quick Guide
!CODEC Links to the document that describes export codecs
!STAYCLASSY Lists the classes the guild still needs for the achievement
!CODE links to this repo
!ISSUE links to the issue page on the repo
!CHEATSHEET Links the Mythc Dungeon Cheat Sheet
!BISLIST Links the BiS Pre-Raid Calculator
!ADDONS Links to Legion-made addon list
!PINNED [-P] Gets all Pinned messages in the channel and PMs them to you. Add -P to make it public in the current channel
!ROSTER links to the guild roster
!LORE displays a random lore image
!BOSS BOSSNAME links to the boss kill video if in the database
!VIDEO VIDEONAME links to the video if in the database
!ADDROLE ROLENAME adds the given role to the user
!REMOVEROLE ROLENAME removes the given role from the user
!SAY CHANNELNAME MESSAGE STRING HERE has jarvis say whatever you want in the given channel
!GUIDE CLASS SPEC links to the guide if it exists in the database
!ARTIFACT CLASS SPEC links to the artifact if it exists in the database
!WA QUERY links to the WAGO.IO category based on the query
!SERVER QUERY links to the discord server based on the query
!RANKING PLAYERNAME BOSSNAME [-H or -T] queries WCL for rankings on the given boss for the given player for their specific class/spec (-H = Healing or -T = Tanking)
!ARMORY CHARNAME MYTHICS gets mythic dungeon count for the character
!HELP DISPLAYS COMMAND LIST. Also can try ?COMMANDNAME to get specific help

To Install

  • First download the Node Package Manager (NPM)
  • then run npm install discord.js
  • Grab your API key here to fill in the XXXX at the bottom of Jarvis.js
  • then run node Jarvis.js in your directory
  • OR download PM2 which is a great console runtime manager.


Discord bot made in Discord.js







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