Library to count milliseconds since start up, using Timer4 (8 bit) of STM8S MCUs
By ETPH 20160618, release under GPL license.
Parts of code are copyrighted by STMicroelectronics licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2
This library must be used with STM8S_StdPeriph_Lib package which is provided free of charge by STMicroelectronics
Brief guide:
Two source files: stm8s_clk.c and stm8s_tim4.c must be added to project
This code in tested on IAR. If using other compiler, the line "__IO uint32_t current_millis" might have to be put in the header file, and change to: "volatile uint32_t current_millis"
If your project is used with stm8s_it library, remember to comment out the function INTERRUPT_HANDLER(TIM4_UPD_OVF_IRQHandler, 23) in stm8s_it.c