frickl-web Public
Frickl is a self-hosted image library. Take ownership of all your photos taken over many years and display them proudly through a sleek web interface. Share them with friends and family.
frickl-web-server Public
Frickl is a self-hosted image library. Take ownership of all your photos taken over many years and display them proudly through a sleek web interface. Share them with friends and family.
advent-of-code Public
Advent of Code implementation in Javascript using Vue.js for visuals. Covers multiple years.
sgud-client Public
SGUD is a web-based rating tool for...stuff. Rate your favourite beer, pizza or soft-drink. Rate cheese from your local supplier. Rate your electrician, your pets or even your children (just kidding).
Vue Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 19, 2024 -
humbug-electron Public
Humbug is a multi-platform barcode generator which can be used alongside our Germinate Scan application to generate sheets of user-defined barcodes to aid in the recording of data in the field or g…
awesome-advent-of-code Public
Forked from Bogdanp/awesome-advent-of-codeA collection of awesome resources related to the yearly Advent of Code challenge.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 14, 2021 -
rpi-led-weather Public
Raspberry Pi Python script for running an LED matrix and showing weather data in a specific region.
howfairis-livetest Public
Forked from fair-software/howfairis-livetestTests for the fair-software badge
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 9, 2021 -
hiketime Public
HikeTime is a simple hike duration estimator
Vue Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 14, 2021 -
timekeeper Public
Timekeeper is a tool to keep track of the time you spend on each of your projects at work.
lit Public
Lit (Launch it) is a simple application launcher. Define all the applications you regularly start after your PC boots up and start them all with just a single click.
bootstrap-vue Public
Forked from bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vueBootstrapVue, with over 40 plugins, more than 80 custom components and over 300 icons, provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap v4 components and grid system for Vue.js. …
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 18, 2020 -
jOOQ-mcve Public
Forked from jOOQ/jOOQ-mcveA simple example project that can be used to create MCVE's to report jOOQ issues
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 27, 2019