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FederatedRuntime Workflow for CI Pipeline - 301 Watermarking notebook run #38

FederatedRuntime Workflow for CI Pipeline - 301 Watermarking notebook run

FederatedRuntime Workflow for CI Pipeline - 301 Watermarking notebook run #38

# Workflow to run 301_MNIST_Watermarking notebook
# Authors - Noopur, Payal Chaurasiya
name: Federated Runtime 301 MNIST Watermarking
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, ready_for_review]
contents: read
if: github.event.pull_request.draft == false
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
timeout-minutes: 20
- name: Checkout OpenFL repository
uses: actions/[email protected]
fetch-depth: 2 # needed for detecting changes
submodules: "true"
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v3
python-version: "3.10"
- name: Install dependencies # Without this step, fx command will not work
id: install_dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install .
- name: Install Jupyter Lab Package
run: pip install jupyterlab
- name: Create results folder for logs
run: | # Present working director - /home/runner/work/openfl/openfl
mkdir -p /home/runner/results
cd /home/runner/results
touch director.log bangalore.log chandler.log && chmod 755 director.log bangalore.log chandler.log
- name: Activate and run the director in background
run: |
cd openfl-tutorials/experimental/workflow/FederatedRuntime/301_MNIST_Watermarking
fx experimental activate
cd director
nohup ./ &> ~/results/director.log &
echo "Director started with 30s sleep time. This will be removed once the retry logic at envoy side is implemented."
sleep 30 # DO NOT remove - envoys will simply exit if director is not ready
- name: Run the envoy Bangalore in background
run: |
cd openfl-tutorials/experimental/workflow/FederatedRuntime/301_MNIST_Watermarking/Bangalore
nohup ./ Bangalore Bangalore_config.yaml &> ~/results/bangalore.log &
echo "Bangalore envoy started"
- name: Run the envoy Chandler in background
run: |
cd openfl-tutorials/experimental/workflow/FederatedRuntime/301_MNIST_Watermarking/Chandler
nohup ./ Chandler Chandler_config.yaml &> ~/results/chandler.log &
echo "Chandler envoy started"
- name: Check if envoys are connected to the director
run: |
python3 $python_path --func_name "verify_envoys_director_conn_federated_runtime" \
--notebook_path "openfl-tutorials/experimental/workflow/FederatedRuntime/301_MNIST_Watermarking/workspace/MNIST_Watermarking.ipynb" \
--expected_envoys "['Bangalore', 'Chandler']"
- name: Run Notebook
run: |
cd openfl-tutorials/experimental/workflow/FederatedRuntime/301_MNIST_Watermarking/workspace
jupyter nbconvert --execute --to markdown ./MNIST_Watermarking.ipynb --no-input --stdout
echo "Notebook run completed"
- name: Check if the experiment was successful using logs
run: |
cd openfl-tutorials/experimental/workflow/FederatedRuntime/301_MNIST_Watermarking
if ! grep "End of Federation reached." ~/results/bangalore.log; then
echo "Federation didn't reach end for Bangalore envoy"
if ! grep "End of Federation reached." ~/results/chandler.log; then
echo "Federation didn't reach end for Chandler envoy"
if ! grep "Experiment FederatedFlow_MNIST_Watermarking was finished successfully" ~/results/director.log; then
echo "Experiment didn't finish successfully"
exit 1
echo "Notebook run was successful"
echo "| Aggregated model validation score |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "| -------------- |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo $(grep -oP 'Aggregated model validation score = \K[\d.]+' ~/results/director.log | tail -1) >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
- name: Tar files
if: ${{ always() }} # collect artifacts regardless of failures
run: |
tar -cvf notebook.tar \
./openfl-tutorials/experimental/workflow/FederatedRuntime/301_MNIST_Watermarking/workspace \
~/results \
echo "TAR file created"
- name: Upload Artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: ${{ always() }} # collect artifacts regardless of failures
name: federated_runtime_301_watermarking_${{ github.run_id }}
path: notebook.tar